Q 1964745655.     Zeenat's grandmother has an eyesight problem. She visits an eye care center. The doctor advises
her to get herself operated for the cataract which she has developed. In this defect an opaque
white membrane is developed on cornea. Her grandmother was reluctant to go through the operation because
(1) she was not aware of the details and the outcome of the surgery and
(2) she thought that the surgery was too expensive for her to bear. Zeenat decided to do something for her
grandmother. She took the help of her friends to arrange the required money. Zeenat explained to
her grandmother the benefit of the operation and the negligible rate of failure. Also told her that
the operation was expensive due to the costly operating equipment and the eye lens which is
to be planted. Her grandmother was convinced and the operation was successful.
(i) What values according to you are displayed by Zeenat and her friends?
(ii) What is cornea? Write its one function.

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