Mathematics Revision Notes Of Properties of Triangles For NDA

Properties Of Triangles

A triangle has six components, three sides and three angles. The three angles of a `triangle ABC` are denoted by the letters A, B and C and the sides opposite to these angles by letters `a, b` and `c` respectively, i.e. `a= BC, b = CA` and `c = AB`. Semi-perimeter of the
`triangle ABC` is `(a+b+c)/2` which is denoted by `s` and its area denoted by `Delta`

Also, sum of angles of a triangle is `180°`, i.e. `angle A + angle B + angle C = 180°`

Sine Rule

In any `triangle ABC, (sin A)/a = (sin B)/b = (sin C)/c ` i. e. the sines of angles are proportional to the lengths of the opposite sides.

Let `a/(sin A) = b/(sin B) = c/(sin C)= K` (say)

Then `a = K sin A, b = K sin B, c = K sin C` or `sin A = 1/K a, sin B =1/K b, sin C = 1/K c`

Cosine Rule

In any `triangle ABC`

(i) `a^2=b^2+c^2- 2bc cos A ` or `cos a= (b^2+c^2-a^2)/(2bc)`

(ii) `b^2=c^2+a^2- 2 ac cos B` or `cos B=(a^2+c^2-b^2)/(2ac)`

(iii) `c^2= a^2+b^2- 2ab cos C` or `cos C=(a^2+b^2-c^2)/(2ab)`

Projoction Formulae

In any `Delta ABC`,

(i) `a= bcos C + c cos B`

(ii) `b = ccos A +a cos C`

(iii) `c= a cos B + bcos A`

Note Any side of a triangle is equal to the sum of the projections of other two sides on it.

Trigonometrical Ratios of Half Angles of a Triangle

In any `Delta ABC`, let `s =(a+ b +c) //2`, then

(i) `sin \ A/2 = sqrt(((s-b)(s-c))/(bc))`

(ii) `sin \ B/2 = sqrt(((s-a)(s-c))/(ac))`

(iii) `sin \ C/2 =sqrt(((s-a)(s-b))/(ab))`

(iv) `cos \ A/2 = sqrt(((s-b)(s-c))/(bc))`

(v) `cos \ B/2 = sqrt((s(s-b))/(ab))`

(vi) `cos \ C/2 = sqrt((s(s-c))/(ab) `

(vii) `tan \ A/2 = sqrt(((s-b) (s-c))/(s(s-a)))`

(viii) `tan \ B/2 = sqrt(((s-a)(s-c))/(s(s-b)))`

(ix) `tan \ C/2 = sqrt(((s-a)(s-b))/(s(s-c)))`

Some Other Formulae

In any `triangle ABC`, by `sin 2 theta = 2sin theta * cos theta`

(i) `sin A = 2/(bc) sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))= (2 Delta)/(bc)`

(ii) `sin B = 2/(ac) sqrt(s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c))= (2 Delta)/(ac)`

(iii) `sin C = 2/(ab) sqrt(s(s-a) (s-b)(s-c))= (2 Delta)/(ab)`

where, `Delta=` area of scalene triangle, when `a ne b ne c`.

Area of Triangle

In a `Delta ABC`, if the sides of the triangle are `a, b, c` and corresponding angles are `A, B` and `C` respectively, then
area of triangle

(i) `Delta = 1/2 ab sin C , Delta = 1/2 bc sin A, Delta = 1/2 ca sin B`

(ii) `Delta =(c^2 sin A sin B)/(2 sin B), Delta =(a^2 sin B sin C)/(2 sin A) , Delta = (b^2 sin C sin A)/(2 sin B)`

(iii) `Delta = sqrt(s(s-a) (s-b) (s-c))`

Tangent Formulae or Napier's Analogy or Law of Tangents

In any `triangle ABC`,

(i) `tan ((B-C)/2) =((b-c)/(b+c)) cot \ A/2`

(ii) `tan ((C-A)/2) =((c-a)/(c+a)) cot \ B/2`

(iii) `tan ((A-B)/2) = ((a-b)/(a+b)) cot \ C/2`

Circumcircle of a Triangle

A circle passing through the vertices of a `Delta ABC` is called circumcircle and its radius is called circumradius (R )
and its centre is known as circumcentre.

Circumradius of triangle is given by

`R= a/( 2sin A) = b/(2 sin B) = c/( 2sin C) =(abc)/(4 Delta)`

Incircle of a Triangle

The circle which can be inscribed within the triangle so as to touch each of its sides is called its inscribed circle
or incircle and its centre is called incentre and its radius is called inradius (`r`).

In any `Delta ABC`,

(i) `r= Delta/s`

(ii) `r=(s-a) tan \ A/2 =(s-b) tan \ B/2 =(s-c) tan \ C/2`

(iii) `r= 4 R sin \ A/2 sin \ B/2 sin \ C/2`

(iv) `r= (a sin B//2 sin C//2)/(cos A//2)`

`= (b sin A//2 sin C//2)/(cos B//2)`

`= (c sin B//2 sin A//2)/(cos C//2)`

Excircles of a Triangle

The circle which touches the sides `BC` and two sides `AB` and `A C` produced of a `triangle ABC`, is called the escribed
circle opposite to the `angle A`. Its radius is denoted by `r_1`.

Similarly, `r_2` and `r_3` denote the radii of the escribed circles opposite to the angles `B` and `C`, respectively

The centres of the escribed circles are call excentres.

In any `triangle ABC`,

(i) `r_1 =(Delta)/(s-a) = s tan \ A/2 = 4R sin \ A/2 cos \ B/2 cos \ C/2`

(ii) `r_2 = Delta/(s-b) = s tan \ B/2 = 4R sin \ B/2 cos \ C/2 cos \ A/2`

(iii) `r_3 = Delta/(s-c)= s tan \ C/2 = 4 R sin \ C/2 cos \ A/2 cos \ B/2`

(iv) `r_1 +r_2 +r_3 = 4R + r`

(v) `r_1r_2 +r_2 r_3 +r_3 r_1 = s^2 =(r_1r_2r_3)/r`

(vi) `r_1 =(a cos B//2 cos C//2)/(cos A//2)`

(vii) `r_2 =(b cos C//2 cos A//2)/(cos B//2)`

(viii) `r_3 =(c cos A//2 cos B//2)/(cos C//2)`

(ix) `1/r_1 + 1/r_2 + 1/r_3 = s/Delta = 1/r`

and `r_1r_2r_3 = r^2 (cot \ A/2 cot \ B/2 cot \ C/2)^2`
