Mathematics Tricks & Tips Of Properties of Triangles For NDA

Properties of triangle

Q 2753880744

Consider the following for triangle ABC:

1. `sin((B+C)/2) = cos (A/2)`

2. `tan (( B+C)/2) = cot(A/2)`

3. `sin (B+C) = cos A`

4. `tan (B+C) = - cot A`

Which of the above are correct?

NDA Paper 1 2017

1 and 3


1 and 2


1 and 4


2 and 3


For `Delta ABC`

`A+ B+ C= pi`

1. `sin ((B+C)/2)= sin (pi/2 - A/2) = cos((A/2))`

2. `tan ((B+C)/2) = tan (pi/2 - A/2) = cot (A/2)`

3. `sin (B+C) = sin (pi-A) = sin A`

4. `tan (B+C) = tan (pi- A) =-tan A`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) 1 and 2
Q 2410701610

`ABC` is a triangle right angled at `B`. The hypotenuse (`A C`)
is four times the perpendicular (`BD`) drawn to it from the
opposite vertex and `AD < DC`.

What is one of the acute angle of the triangle?
NDA Paper 1 2011







None of these


Let `BD = p` and `DE = x`

`=> AC=4p`

Let `E` be a mid-point of line `AC`.

Then,` AE = EC =BE =2p`

In `Delta BDE,`





`x=sqrt 3p`

Now, `AD= 2p- x = 2p- p sqrt 3`

`DC =2p+ x=2p+ p sqrt 3`

In `Delta BAD`

`tan A=(BD)/(AD)=p/(2P-P sqrt 3)=1/(2-sqrt 3) xx (2+sqrt 3)/(2+sqrt 3)`

`=(2+sqrt 3)/1=tan 75^o`

`=> A=75^o`

`tan alpha=(AD)/(BD)=(2p-sqrt 3 p)/p=2-sqrt 3=tan 15^o`

`=> alpha=15^o`

In `Delta BDC`

`tan C=(BD)/(CD)=p(2p+p sqrt 3)=(2-sqrt 3)/(4-3)`

`=> tan C=2-sqrt 3=tan 15^o=> C=15^o`

`tan beta=(CD)/(BD)=(2p+sqrt 3 p)/p=2+sqrt 3=tan 75^o`

`=> beta=75^o`

Acute angle ` =15^o`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `15^o`
Q 2420491311

If one of the angles of a triangle is `1/2` radian and
the other is `99^0`, then what is the third angle in
radian measure?
NDA Paper 1 2010







None of these


Let `angleA = 1/2 rad , angleB = 99^0 = (99^0xxpi)/(180^0) = (11pi)/(20)`

We know that, `angleA+angleB+angleC = pi`

`=> 1/2+(11pi)/20+angleC = pi`

`therefore angleC = pi-(11pi)/(20)-1/2 = (9pi-10)/(20)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) None of these
Q 2311780620

Consider the following statements
1. If `ABC` is an equilateral triangle, then `3 tan (A +B) tan C = 1.`

2. If `ABC` is a triangle in which `A= 78°, B = 66°,` then `tan(A/2 + C) < tan A`

3. If `ABC` is any triangle , then `tan ((A+B)/2) sin (C/2) < cos (C/2)`

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
NDA Paper 1 2016

Only 1


Only 2


1 and 2


2 and 3


1. Since, `ABC` is an equilateral triangle.
`:. angle A = angleB = angleC = 60^o`

Now, consider
`3 tan (A+ B) tan C = 3 tan 120° tan 60°`

`= 3 tan (180° - 60°) tan 60°`

`=(-3) tan 60^o tan 60^o = (-3 ) * sqrt 3 * sqrt3 = -9`

2. Consider , `tan (A/2 +C) = tan (78^o/2 +36^o)`

`[because angleC = 180^o - angleA - angleB = 180^o - 78^o - 66^o = 36^o]`

`= tan 75^0 < tan 78^o`

[ `because` value of tan e increases, as e varying from 0° to 90°]
`=tan A`

Hence , `tan (A/2 + C) < tan A`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) Only 2
Q 2309891718

If the angles of a triangle are in AP and the least
angle is `30°`, then what is the greatest angle (in
NDA Paper 1 2012









Let the angles of a triangle are `a, a+ d` and `a+ 2d`.

(since, given that angles of a triangle are in A..P)

Given that, `a = 30°`

`·: a + a + d + a + 2d = 180°`

(since, the sum of internal angles of a triangle is `180^o`)

`=> 3a+3d=180°`

`=> 3 xx 30° + 3d = 180°`

`=>90° + 3d = 180°`

`=>3d= 90^o`

`=>d = 30°`

So, the angles of triangle are `30°, 60°` and `90^o`.

Hence, greatest angle `= 90°= pi/2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `pi/2`
Q 2470523416

If median of the `triangle ABC` through `A` is perrendicular
to `BC`, then whtch one of the following is correct?
NDA Paper 1 2007

`tan A + tan B = 0`


`tan B - tan C = 0`


`tan C + 2 tan A = 0`


`tan B + tan C = 0`


Let `BC=a`

`:. BD=CD=a/2`

In `triangle ABD, tan B=(AD)/(BD)=(AD)/(a//2)`

`=> tan B=(2 AD)/a`...............(i)

In `triangle ACD, tan C=(AD)/(CD)=(AD)/(a//2)`

`=> tan C=(2 AD)/a`.............(ii)

From Eqs. (i) and (ii),

`tan B=tan C`

`=> tan B-tan C=0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `tan B - tan C = 0`
Q 2166580475

Consider a `Delta ABC` in which `cos A+ cos B + cos C = sqrt(3) sin quad (pi)/(3)`

What is the value of `sin (A/2) sin (B/2) sin (C/2) ?`
NDA Paper 1 2016

`1/2 `


`1/4 `


`1/8 `


`1/16 `


Given, in `DeltaABC,`

`cos A + cos B + cos C = sqrt(3) sin quad (pi)/3`

`=> cos A + cos B + cos C = sqrt(3) xx sqrt(3)/2 = 3/2`

We know that,

`cos A + cos B + cos C = 1+4 sin (A/2) - sin (B/2) sin (C/2)`

` => 1 + 4 sin (A/2) sin (B/2) sin (C/2) =3/2`

`=> 4 sin (A/2) sin (B/2) sin (C/2) =3/2 -1 =1/2 `

` => sin (A/2) sin (B/2) sin (C/2) =1/8 `
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `1/8 `
Q 2460734615

If `tan^(-1) 2` and `tan^(-1) 3` are two angles of a triangle,
then what is the third angle?
NDA Paper 1 2012

`tan^(-1) 2`


`tan^(-1) 4`






Given that, `tan^(-1)2` and `tan^(-1) 3` are two angles of a
triangle. Let `alpha` be the third angle of the triangle, then -
In `Delta ABC, tan^(-1) 2 + tan^(-1) 3 + alpha= 180°`

`=> tan^(-1) ((2+3)/(1-2 *3))+alpha=180^o`

`[ ∵ tan^(-1) x+tan^(-1)y=tan^(-1) ((x+y)/(1-xy))]`

`=>tan^(-1) (5/(1-6))+alpha=180^o=> tan^(-1) (5/(-5))+alpha=180^o`

`=> tan^(-1) (-1)+alpha=180^o=>alpha=180^o-tan^(-1)(-1)=pi-(3 pi)/4`

`:. alpha=pi/4`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `pi/4`
Q 2335278162

If in a `Delta ABC, cos B = (sin C)/(2 sin A)`, then the triangle is







right-angled isosceles


`sin C = 2 sin A cos B`

`= sin (A + B) + sin (A - B)`

`= sin C + sin (A - B)`

`=> sin (A - B) = 0 => A = B`

i.e., the triangle is isosceles.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) isosceles
Q 2268467305

If in a `DeltaABC, a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = ca + ab sqrt(3)`,

then the triangle

is equilateral


is right-angled isosceles


has angles `30^(circ), 60^(circ)` and `90^(circ) `


None of these


`a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - ca - ab sqrt(3) = 0`


`(b- (a sqrt(3))/2)^2 + (c- a/2)^2 =0`

`:. a : b : c = 2 : sqrt(3) : 1`.

Hence the triangle has angles

`30^(circ), 60^(circ)` and `90^(circ)`.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) has angles `30^(circ), 60^(circ)` and `90^(circ) `
Q 2420701611

`ABC` is a triangle right angled at `B`. The hypotenuse (`A C`)
is four times the perpendicular (`BD`) drawn to it from the
opposite vertex and `AD < DC`.

What is `angle ABD` ?
NDA Paper 1 2011







None of these


Let `BD = p` and `DE = x`

`=> AC=4p`

Let `E` be a mid-point of line `AC`.

Then,` AE = EC =BE =2p`

In `Delta BDE,`





`x=sqrt 3p`

Now, `AD= 2p- x = 2p- p sqrt 3`

`DC =2p+ x=2p+ p sqrt 3`

In `Delta BAD`

`tan A=(BD)/(AD)=p/(2P-P sqrt 3)=1/(2-sqrt 3) xx (2+sqrt 3)/(2+sqrt 3)`

`=(2+sqrt 3)/1=tan 75^o`

`=> A=75^o`

`tan alpha=(AD)/(BD)=(2p-sqrt 3 p)/p=2-sqrt 3=tan 15^o`

`=> alpha=15^o`

In `Delta BDC`

`tan C=(BD)/(CD)=p(2p+p sqrt 3)=(2-sqrt 3)/(4-3)`

`=> tan C=2-sqrt 3=tan 15^o=> C=15^o`

`tan beta=(CD)/(BD)=(2p+sqrt 3 p)/p=2+sqrt 3=tan 75^o`

`=> beta=75^o`

`:. angle ABD = 15°`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `15^o`
Q 2420001811

`ABC` is a triangle right angled at `B`. The hypotenuse (`A C`)
is four times the perpendicular (`BD`) drawn to it from the
opposite vertex and `AD < DC`.

What is `AD: DC ` equal to?

NDA Paper 1 2011

`(7-2 sqrt 3) :1`


`(7 -4 sqrt 3) :1`




None of these


Let `BD = p` and `DE = x`

`=> AC=4p`

Let `E` be a mid-point of line `AC`.

Then,` AE = EC =BE =2p`

In `Delta BDE,`





`x=sqrt 3p`

Now, `AD= 2p- x = 2p- p sqrt 3`

`DC =2p+ x=2p+ p sqrt 3`

In `Delta BAD`

`tan A=(BD)/(AD)=p/(2P-P sqrt 3)=1/(2-sqrt 3) xx (2+sqrt 3)/(2+sqrt 3)`

`=(2+sqrt 3)/1=tan 75^o`

`=> A=75^o`

`tan alpha=(AD)/(BD)=(2p-sqrt 3 p)/p=2-sqrt 3=tan 15^o`

`=> alpha=15^o`

In `Delta BDC`

`tan C=(BD)/(CD)=p(2p+p sqrt 3)=(2-sqrt 3)/(4-3)`

`=> tan C=2-sqrt 3=tan 15^o=> C=15^o`

`tan beta=(CD)/(BD)=(2p+sqrt 3 p)/p=2+sqrt 3=tan 75^o`

`=> beta=75^o`

`AD : DC= (7- 4sqrt 3) : 1`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `(7 -4 sqrt 3) :1`
Q 2430612512

If in a `triangle ABC, cos B =(sin A) // (2 sin C)`, then the
triangle is
NDA Paper 1 2009

isosceles triangle


equilateral triangle


right angled triangle


scalene triangle


Using sine rule

`(sin A)/a=(sin B)/b=(sin C)/c=k`

Given, `cos B=(sin A)/(2 sin C)`

`=> (a^2+c^2-b^2)/(2ac)=a/(2c)`



`:. b=c`

Hence, it is an isosceles triangle.
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) isosceles triangle
Q 2126680571

Consider a `Delta ABC` in which `cos A+ cos B + cos C = sqrt(3) sin quad (pi)/(3)`

What is the value of
`cos ((A+B)/2) cos ((B+C)/2) cos ((C+A)/2) ?`
NDA Paper 1 2016







None of these


`cos ((A+B)/2) cos ((B+C)/2) cos ((C+A)/2) `

` = cos (90^(0) - C/2) cos ( 90^(0)- A/2) cos (90^(0)- B/2) `

` [ ∵ A + B + C = 180^0]`

` sin (C/2) sin (A/2) sin (B/2) `

` sin (A/2) sin (B/2) sin (C/2) `

` = 1/8` [from Q. No. 51]
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) None of these
Q 2241501423

If `a, b` and `c` are the sides of a `Delta ABC`, then `a^(1/p) + b^(1/p) - c^(1/ p)`,
where `p > 1`, is
NDA Paper 1 2015

always negative


always positive


always zero


positive, if `1 < p < 2` and negative, if `p > 2`


Since, `a, b, c` are positive numbers.

`=> a^(1/p) , b^(1/p) , c^(1/ p)` are positive numbers.

` => a^(1/p) + b^(1/p) > c^(1/ p)`

[ `∵` sum of any two sides must be greater than third side]

` => a^(1/p) + b^(1/p) - c^(1/ p) > 0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) always positive
Q 1780256117

In a `Delta ABC`, if `sin A -cos B = cos C`, then what is `B` equal to?
NDA Paper 1 2014









In a `Delta ABC`, we have

`=> sin A - cos B = cos C => sin A = cos B + cos C`

`=> 2 sin (A/2) . cos .A/2 =2 cos ((B +C)/2) . cos ((B - C)/2)`

`[∵ sin2A = 2sin A . cos A`

and `cos B +cos C = 2 cos ((B +C)/2) . cos ((B - C)/2) ]`

`=> 2 sin (A/2) . cos (A/2) =2 cos ( 90^0 - A/2 ) . cos ((B - C)/2) `

` [ ∵ A+B+C=180^0 => ((B - C)/2) = 90^0 - A/2 ]`

`=> 2 sin (A/2) . cos (A/2) = 2. sin (A/2) . cos ((B - C)/2) `

` => cos (A/2) = cos ((B - C)/2) `

`=> A/2 = (B-C)/2 `

`=> A + C = B ` .........(1)

also `A + C =180^0 - B` .........(2)

` 180^0 - B = B`

` => 2B = 180^0`

`:. B = 90^0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `pi/2`

Sine and cosine Rule

Q 2410712619

In a `triangle ABC, a+b=3(1+sqrt3) cm` and `a-b=3(1-sqrt 3) cm` . If angle `A` is `30^o` , then what is the angle `B` ?
NDA Paper 1 2009









Given, `a + b = 3(1 + sqrt 3)` ...................(i)

and `a - b = 3(1 - sqrt 3)`...................(ii)

On solving, we get

`a/(sin A)=b/(sin B)`

`=> 3/(sin 30^o)=(3 sqrt3)/(sin B)`

`=> sin B=sqrt 3 xx 1/2 =sin 60^o`

`:. B=60^o`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `60^o`
Q 2460301215

If the sides of a triangle are in the ratio
`2 : sqrt 6 :1 + sqrt 3` , then what is the smallest angle of
the triangle?
NDA Paper 1 2011









Let `a, b` and `c` be the sides of `Delta ABC`, respectively.

Given, `a : b : c=2 : sqrt 6 : (1+ sqrt 3)`...............(i)

We know that, by sine law

`a/(sin A)=b/(sin B)=c/(sin C)=k` (say)

From Eq (i),

`k sin A : k sin B : ksin C=2: sqrt 6: (1+sqrt 3)`

`=> sin A : sin B : sin C =sqrt (2/3) :1 :(1+sqrt 3)/(sqrt 6)`

`=> 1/sqrt 2: sqrt 3/2 :(1+sqrt 3)/(2 sqrt 2)`

`=sin 45^o : sin 60^o : sin 75^o`

`=> A: B: C=45^o :60^o :75^o`

So, the required smallest angle of `Delta ABC` is `45°`.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `45^o`
Q 2389191917

In any `DeltaABC`, the sides are `6 cm, 1 0 cm` and
`14 cm`. Then, the triangle is obtuse angled with
the obtuse angle equal to
NDA Paper 1 2011









Given in `Delta ABC, a= 6cm, b = 10cm, c = 14cm`

Since, `C` is the long side among three sides and the obtuse angle
of `Delta ABC` is the corresponding angle of side `c`.

By cosine law,

`cos C=(a^2+b^2-c^2)/(2ab)=(6^2+10^2-14^2)/(2 * 6 * 10)`

`=> cos C=(36+100-196)/(2 * 6 * 10)=(136-196)/(2 * 6 *10)`

`=> cos C=-1/2=cos (2 pi)/3`

`:. C=(2 pi)/3=120^o`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `120^o`
Q 1658178904

In a `Delta ABC, a =(1 + sqrt(3))cm, b =2 cm` and `angleC = 60^0`,
then the other two angles are
NDA Paper 1 2015

`45^0` and `75^0`


`30^0` and `90^0`


`105^0` and `15^0`


`100^0` and `20^0`


Here, `a =(1 + sqrt(3)) , b =2 , angleC = 60^0`

`:. cos C = (a^2 +b^2 - c^2)/(2ab)`

` => cos 60^0 = ( ( 1+ sqrt(3) )^2 + (2)^2 -c^2)/(2(1 + 3)^2)`

` => 1/2 xx 2 xx 2 xx(1 + sqrt(3))= 1 + 3+ 2 sqrt(3) + 4 - c^2`

`=> 2 + 2 sqrt(3) = 4 + 2 sqrt(3) + 4 - C^2`

` => c^ 2 = 8 + 2sqrt(3) - 2 - 2 sqrt(3) = 6`

` => c = sqrt(16)`

`:. cos A = (a^2 +b^2 - c^2)/(2ab)`

` = ( 4 + 6 - ( 1 + sqrt(3) )^2)/(2 xx 2 xx sqrt(6))`

` = (10 - 1 - 3 - 2 sqrt(3))/(4 sqrt(6)) = ( 6 - 2 sqrt(3))/(4 sqrt(6))`

` = ( 3 - sqrt(3) )/(2 sqrt(6)) = ( 3 sqrt(6) - sqrt(18))/(12)`

` = (sqrt (3) -1 ) / ( 2 sqrt(2)) = cos 75 ^0`

`:. A = 75 ^0 , B = 45 ^0 ,C = 60 ^0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `45^0` and `75^0`
Q 2480212117

In a `triangleABC, BC = sqrt(39), AC = 5` and `AB = 7`. What
is the measure of the angle `A'`?
NDA Paper 1 2010









Here, `a = sqrt(39), b = 5` and `c = 7`

By cosine rule, `cos A =( b^2 + c^2- a^2)/(2bc)`

`=(25 + 49- 39)/(2 xx 5 xx 7)`

`= 1/2 =cos \ pi/3`

`=> A= pi/3`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `pi/3`
Q 2410423310

In a `triangle ABC, b = sqrt 3 cm, c =1 cm` and `angle A =30^o`
what is the value of `a` ?
NDA Paper 1 2008

`sqrt 2` cm


`2` cm


`1` cm


`1/2` cm


Here, `b = sqrt 3cm, c = 1 cm` and `angle A = 30°`

We know that,

`cos A=(b^2+c^2-a^2)/(2bc)`

`=>cos 30=((sqrt 3)^2+(1)^2-a^2)/(2 sqrt 3 *1)`

`=> sqrt 3/2=(3+1-a^2)/(2 sqrt 3)`


`:. a=1cm`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `1` cm
Q 2539080812

In `Delta ABC`, if ` a/(b^2 - c^2) + c/(b^2 - a^2) = 0`, then `B` is equal to

BCECE Mains 2015









We have,

`a/(sin A) = b/(sin B) = c/(sin C) = k`

`:. a/(b^2 - c^2) + c/(b^2 - a^2) = 0`

`=> (k sin A)/(k^2 (sin^2 B - B sin^2 C)`

`+ (k sin C)/(k^2 (sin^2 B - B sin^2 A) = 0`

` => (sin A)/(sin (B + C) sin (B - C))`

` + ( sin C)/(sin (B + A) sin (B - A)) = 0`

` => 1/(sin (B -C)) + 1/(sin (B -A)) = 0`

` => sin (B - A) + sin (B -C) = 0`

`=> sin (A - B) = sin (B -C)`

`=> A - B = B - C`

`=> A + C= 2B => B = 60^0`
Q 2542212133

Let p, q and r be the sides opposite to the angles P, Q and R, respectively in a `Delta PQR`. If `r^2 sin P sin Q = pq`, then the triangle is
WBJEE 2012



acute angled but not equilateral


obtuse angled


right angled


We know that in `Delta ABC`

`a/(sin A) = b/(sin B) = c/(sin C) = 2R`

`:. r^2 sin P sin Q = pq`

`=> r^2 · p/(2R_1) · q/(2 R_1) = pq`, where `R_1` is circumradius

of `Delta PQR`.

`=> r^2 = 4R_1^2`

`=> r = 2R_1`

` => 2R_1 sin R = 2R_1`

`=> R_1 = 90°`

`:. Delta PQR` is right angled.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) right angled
Q 2476267176

If in `DeltaABC, cos A+ cosB + cosC = 3/2`, then
triangle `Delta` is
UPSEE 2013

right angled








`:. cos A+ cos B + cos C = 3/2`

`=> (b^2 +c^2 -a^2)/(2bc) + (a^2 + c^2 -b^2)/(2ac)+ (a^2 + b^2 -c^2)/(2ab) =3/2`

`=> (a+b -c) (a-b)^2 + (b+c -a) (b-c)^2`

`+ (c+a-b) (c-a)^2 =0`

As we know, `a+ b > c, b + c >a, c + a > b`

`=> a = b = c`

Hence, triangle is an equilateral.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) equilateral
Q 1732834732

Consider the following statements

I. There exists no `Delta ABC` for which `sin A + sin B = sin C`.

II. If the angles of a triangle are in the ratio `1 : 2 : 3`, then
its sides will be in the ratio `1 : sqrt(3) : 2`.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
NDA Paper 1 2014

Only 1


Only 2


Both 1 and 2


Neither 1 nor 2


I. Given that, `sin A+ sin B = sin C`

` (ak) + (bk) = (ck)`

`=> a+ b = c`

` (∵` by sine law , ` (sin A)/a = (sin B)/b = ( sin C)/b = k)`

i.e., the sum of two sides of `Delta ABC` is equal to the third side

but it is not possible, because by triangle inequality 'the

sum of the length of two sides of a triangle is always

greater than the length of the third side'.

Hence, there exists no `Delta ABC` for which `sin A+ sin B =sin C`.

IL Given that.

the ratio of the angles of a triangle are `A : B : C = 1 : 2 : 3`.

Let `A = alpha , B = 2 alpha`. and `C = 3alpha`

We know that,

`A+ B + C = 180^0`

(since, sum of all interior angles of a triangle is `180^0`)

`=> alpha + 2alpha + 3alpha = 180^0`

` => 6 alpha = 180^0 => alpha = 30^0`

`:. A = 30^0 , B = 60^0` and `C = 90^0`

So, the required ratio in its sides,

` a : b : c = sin A :sin B :sin C` (by sine rule)

` = sin 30^0 :sin 60^0 :sin 90^0`

` = 1/2 : sqrt(3)/2 : 1 = 1: sqrt(3) : 2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) Both 1 and 2
Q 1730045812

In a ` Delta ABC`, if `c =2, A =45^0` and `a = 2 sqrt(2)`, then is `C`
equal to?
NDA Paper 1 2014







None of these


By sine rule,

` a/(sin A) = b/( sin B) = c/( sin C)`

`:. a/(sin A) = c/( sin C)`

` => sin C = ( c . sin A) /a = ( 2 . sin 45^0)/(2 sqrt(2))`

` = 1/sqrt(2) . 1/sqrt(2) = 1/2 = sin 30^0`

`:. C = 30^0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `30^0`
Q 2389191917

In any `DeltaABC`, the sides are `6 cm, 1 0 cm` and
`14 cm`. Then, the triangle is obtuse angled with
the obtuse angle equal to
NDA Paper 1 2011









Given in `Delta ABC, a= 6cm, b = 10cm, c = 14cm`

Since, `C` is the long side among three sides and the obtuse angle
of `Delta ABC` is the corresponding angle of side `c`.

By cosine law,

`cos C=(a^2+b^2-c^2)/(2ab)=(6^2+10^2-14^2)/(2 * 6 * 10)`

`=> cos C=(36+100-196)/(2 * 6 * 10)=(136-196)/(2 * 6 *10)`

`=> cos C=-1/2=cos (2 pi)/3`

`:. C=(2 pi)/3=120^o`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `120^o`

Trigonometric ratios of half Angels, Tangent formulae and projection formulae

Q 2271412326

Consider a `Delta ABC` satisfying
`2a sin^2 (C/2) + 2c sin^2 ( A/2) = 2a + 2c - 3b`
The sides of the triangle are in
NDA Paper 1 2015







Neither in `GP` nor `AP` nor in `HP`


We have, `2a sin^2 (C/2) + 2c sin^2 ( A/2) = 2a + 2c - 3b`

`=> a(1 - cos C) + c(1 - cos A)= 2a + 2c- 3b`

`=> (a+ c) - (a cos C + c cos A) = 2a+ 2c-3b`

`=> a + c- b = 2a + 2c- 3b`

`[ ∵ b =a cos C + c cos A]`

`=> - a - c =- 2b => a + c = 2b `

Hence, `a, b, c` are in `AP`.
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `AP`
Q 2400223118

If `ABC` is a triangle in which `AB = 6 cm, BC = 8
cm` and `CA = 10 cm`, then what is the value of
`cot (A // 4)` ?
NDA Paper 1 2008

`sqrt 5 -2`


`sqrt 5+2`


`sqrt 3-1`


`sqrt 3+1`


Here, `a= 8, b = 10` and `c = 6`

Now, `S=(a+b+c)/2`


`:. tan A/2=sqrt(((12-10)(12-6))/(12(12-8)))`

`=sqrt (1/4)=1/2`

`[:. tan (A/2) =sqrt(((s-b)(s-c))/(s(s-a))) text(and) s=1/2 (a+b+c)]`

`=> cot A/2=2`

Now, `cot(A/4+A/4)=(cot^2 A/4-1)/(2 cot A/4)`

`[:. cot (A+B)=(cot A * cot B-1)/(cot A+cot B)]`

`cot(A/2)=(cot^2A/4-1)/(2 cot A/4)`

`:. 2=(x^2-1)/(2x)`

`=> x^2-4x-1=0`

`:. x=(4 pm sqrt(16+4))/2`

`=(4 pm 2 sqrt 5)/2=2 pm sqrt 5`

So, `cot(A/4)=2 + sqrt 5` or `2-sqrt 5`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `sqrt 5+2`
Q 2271412326

Consider a `Delta ABC` satisfying
`2a sin^2 (C/2) + 2c sin^2 ( A/2) = 2a + 2c - 3b`
The sides of the triangle are in
NDA Paper 1 2015







Neither in `GP` nor `AP` nor in `HP`


We have, `2a sin^2 (C/2) + 2c sin^2 ( A/2) = 2a + 2c - 3b`

`=> a(1 - cos C) + c(1 - cos A)= 2a + 2c- 3b`

`=> (a+ c) - (a cos C + c cos A) = 2a+ 2c-3b`

`=> a + c- b = 2a + 2c- 3b`

`[ ∵ b =a cos C + c cos A]`

`=> - a - c =- 2b => a + c = 2b `

Hence, `a, b, c` are in `AP`.
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `AP`
Q 2573601546

If in a `Delta ABC, sin A, sin B, sin C` are in AP,
WBJEE 2011

the altitudes are in AP


the altitudes are in HP


the angles are in AP


the angles are in HP


If `p_1, p_2` and `p_3` are the altitudes of a triangle.

Then, `Delta 1/2 ap_1 =1/2 bp_2 = 1/2 c p_3`

`=> a= (2 Delta)/p_1 , b =(2 Delta)/p_2, c= (2 Delta)/p_3`

Since, `sin A, sin B` and `sin C` are in AP.

`:. sin B = (sin A + sin C)/2`

`=> b= (a+c)/2`

`=> (2 Delta)/(p_2) = ( ( (2 Delta)/(p_1) ) + ((2 Delta)/(p_3)) )/2`

`=> 2/p_2 = (p_3 +p_1)/(p_1 p_3)`

`=> p_2 = (2p_1 p_3)/(p_1 + p_3)`

Hence, altitudes are in AP.
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) the altitudes are in AP
Q 2448178003

If in a `Delta ABC`, the altitudes from the
vertices `A, B, C` on opposite sides are in HP
then `sin A, sin B, sin C` are in
BCECE Stage 1 2016



Arithmetico-Geometric Progression






In `Delta BAD`,

`cos (90-B)=(AD)/c`

`AD=c sin B`

Similarly, `BE= a sin C` and `CF = bsin A`

Since, `AD, BE, CF` are in HP

`:. csin B, a sin C, bsin A` are in HP

`1/(sin C sin B), 1/(sin A sin C), 1/(sin B sin A)` are in AP

`sin A, sin B, sin C` are in AP
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) AP

Radius of Circumcircle, inscribed circle, escribed circle

Q 2410045819

The angle subtended at the centre of a circle of
radius `3 ` cm by an arc of length `1` cm is
NDA Paper 1 2012







None of these


`because theta = l/r = 1/3 = (1/3)^0xx(180^0)/pi = 60^0/pi`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `(60^0)/pi`
Q 2470423316

Consider a circle of radius `R`. What is the length
of a chord which subtends an angle `theta` at the
NDA Paper 1 2007

`2R sin(theta/2)`


`2R sin theta`


`2R tan (theta/2)`


`2R tan theta`


In `Delta AOD`

`sin\ \ theta/2=(AD)/(OA)`

`=> sin\ \ theta/2=(AD)/R`

`=> AD=R sin \ \ theta/2`

`:.` Length of chord `AB = 2AD = 2R sin \ \ theta/2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `2R sin(theta/2)`
Q 2542212133

Let p, q and r be the sides opposite to the angles P, Q and R, respectively in a `Delta PQR`. If `r^2 sin P sin Q = pq`, then the triangle is
WBJEE 2012



acute angled but not equilateral


obtuse angled


right angled


We know that in `Delta ABC`

`a/(sin A) = b/(sin B) = c/(sin C) = 2R`

`:. r^2 sin P sin Q = pq`

`=> r^2 · p/(2R_1) · q/(2 R_1) = pq`, where `R_1` is circumradius

of `Delta PQR`.

`=> r^2 = 4R_1^2`

`=> r = 2R_1`

` => 2R_1 sin R = 2R_1`

`=> R_1 = 90°`

`:. Delta PQR` is right angled.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) right angled
Q 1580578417

The circumradius of the triangle whose sides are `13, 12` and `5`, is :









Let sides are `a= 13, b = 12, c = 5`

Now, `a^2 = b^2 + c^2`

`=> (13)^2 = (12)^2 + 5^2`

`=> 169 = 169`

`=> angleA = 90^0`

we know, `R = a/(2sinA)`

`R = 13/(2sin90^0) =13/2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `13/2`
Q 1550723614

In a triangle, if ` r_1 = 2r_2 =3r_3` , then `a/b + b/c + c/a` is equal to









Given that, `r_1=2r_2=3r_3`

`Delta/(s-a) = (2 Delta)/(s-b) =( 3 Delta)/(s-c) = Delta/k`

Then , `s – a = k, s – b = 2 k, s – c = 3 k`

`3 s – (a + b + c) = 6 k` ,

`s = 6 k`

`a/5 = b/4 = c/3 =k`

Now, `a/b + b/c +c/a =5/4 + 4/3 + 3/5`

`(75+80+36)/60` = `191/60`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `191/60`

Area of triangle

Q 2379291116

If the angles of a triangle are `30°, 45°` and the
included side is `(sqrt 3 + 1)`, then what is the area of
the triangle?
NDA Paper 1 2013

`((sqrt 3+1)/2) cm^2`


`2 (sqrt 3+1) cm^2`


`((sqrt 3+1)/3) cm^2`


`((sqrt 3-1)/2) cm^2`


Let `angle A = 30°, angle B = 45°` and `AB = sqrt 3 + 1`

Then, `angle C = 180°- (angle A+ angle B)`

(since, the sum of internal angles of a triangle is `180°`)

`=> angle C = 180°- (30° + 45°) = 180°- 75°= 105^o`

Now, by sine rule,

`(sin 30^o)/(BC)=( sin 105^o)/(sqrt 3 + 1)`

`:. BC=(sqrt 3+1) xx ((2 sqrt 2)/(sqrt 3+1)) xx 1/2=sqrt 2`

`[ sin 105^o=sin (60^o +45^o)=sin 60^o * cos 45^o+cos 60^o * sin 45^o
=sqrt 3/2 8 1/sqrt 2 +1/2 * 1/sqrt 2=(sqrt 3+1)/(2 sqrt 2)]`

Again, now by sine rule,

`(sin 45^o)/(AC)=(sin 105^o)/(sqrt 3+1)`

`=> AC=((sqrt 3+1))/(sqrt 2) xx (2 sqrt 2)/((sqrt 3+1))=2`

`:.` Area of `Delta ABC=1/2 xx BC xx AC xx sin 105^o`

`=1/2 xx 2 xx sqrt 2 xx ((sqrt 3+1))/(2 sqrt 2)=((sqrt 3+1)/2) cm^2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `((sqrt 3+1)/2) cm^2`
Q 2460112915

For finding the area of a `triangle ABC`, which of the
following entities are required'?
NDA Paper 1 2009

Angles `A,B` and side a


Angles `A, B` and side b


Angles `A, B` and side c


Either (a) or (b) or (c)


We know that, area of `triangle ABC` whose sides are `a, b` and
`c` are

`Delta=(c^2 sin A * sin B)/(2 sin C)=(a^2 sin B * sin C)/(2 sin A)=(b^2 sin C * sin A)/(2 sin B)`

(where, `A+ B+ C = 180^o`)

So, finding the area of `Delta ABC`, angles `A, B` and side `c` are required.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) Angles `A, B` and side c
Q 1629223111

The area of the largest triangle that can be inscribed in a semi-circle of radius `r` is
CDS 2015





`3 r^2`


`4 r^2`


Let the `r` be the radius of semi-circle.

In `Delta ABC, AO = OB = OC = r`

`:.` Area of triangle `=1/2 xx` Base x Height

`=1/2 xx AB xx OC`

`=1/2 xx 2 r xx r =r^2`

Hence, the area of the largest triangle is `r^ 2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `r^2`
