Biology Previous year question Of Ecology, biodiversity and Environment For NDA

Previous year question Of Ecology, biodiversity and Environment

Previous year question
Q 2317312280

Food wrapped in newspaper is likely to get contaminated with
NDA Paper 2 2010









Lead is a common environmental pollutant. Sometimes, the food wrapped in a newspaper is likely to get contaminated with lead because newspaper ink contains this element.
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) Lead
Q 2317512489

Which one of the following processes takes place in a lakes during eutrophication?
NDA Paper 2 2009

Rapid destruction of algal growth


Excessive availability of dissolved oxygen


Loss of dissolved nutrients from water


Excessive entry of nutrient into water


Inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen is responsible for the growth of algae. In polluted water, it increases due to which algae increase greatly at the surface of water or pond. Forming water bloom. Due to death of these algae, their organic matter get decomposed due to which oxygen gets depleted and the aquatic animals die. If there activities persist for long time, the pond has more organic matter and less water. This process is called eutrophication.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) Excessive entry of nutrient into water
Q 2317123080

Which one of the following types of forest covers the maximum area in India?
NDA Paper 2 2008

Tropical rain forest


Tropical moist deciduous forest


Tropical dry deciduous forest


Tropical dry evergreen forest


Tropical moist deciduous forest covers the maximum area in India.
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) Tropical moist deciduous forest
