Mathematics Tricks & Tips of Determinants for NDA
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Calculating value of determinants

See examples.
Q 2763391245

If `a != b != c`, then one value of `x` which satisfies the equation
` | ( 0 , x - a , x - b),( x + a , 0 , x - c), ( x + b , x + c , 0) | = 0` is given by
NDA Paper 1 2017









`-(x-a) (0-(x-c)(x+b))+(x-b) (x+0)(x+c)=0`

`(x-a) (x+b) (x-c) +(x+0) (x-b) (x+c) =0`

`x=0` satisfies the equation.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `0`
Q 2773491346

If ` | (x , y ,0),(0 , x ,y),(y , 0 ,x) | = 0` then which one of the following is correct?
NDA Paper 1 2017

`x/y ` is one of the cube roots of unity


`x` is one of the cube roots of unity


`y` is one of the cube roots of unity


`x/y ` is one of the cube roots of `-1`


` | (x , y ,0),(0 , x ,y),(y , 0 ,x) | = 0 `

`x (x^2 ) -y ( 0 - y^2 ) = 0`

`=> x^3 + y^3 = 0`

`:. x^3/y^3 =-1`

`=> x/y =(-1)^(1/3)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `x/y ` is one of the cube roots of `-1`
Q 2200267118

Consider the following statements in respect of the
determinant `|(cos^(2) \ \alpha/2 , sin ^(2)\ \ alpha/2) ,(sin ^(2)\ \ beta/2 , cos ^(2) \ \beta /2)|`
where `alpha , beta` are complementary angles.
1. The value of the determinant is ` 1/sqrt(2) cos((alpha - beta )/2)`
2. The maximum value of the determinant is ` 1/sqrt(2)`.

Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

NDA Paper 1 2015

Only `1`


Only `2`


Both `1` and `2`


Neither `1` nor `2`


1 . We have, ` Delta =``|(cos^(2) \ \alpha/2 , sin ^(2)\ \ alpha/2) ,(sin ^(2)\ \ beta/2 , cos ^(2) \ \beta /2)|`

` = cos^(2) \ alpha/2 quad cos^(2) \ beta /2 - sin ^(2) \ alpha/2 quad sin ^(2) \ beta/2`

` = cos (alpha/2) quad cos (beta /2) + sin (alpha/2) quad sin (beta/2) `

` = cos (alpha/2) quad cos (beta /2) - sin (alpha/2) quad sin (beta/2) `

` = cos ((alpha - beta )/2 ) cos 45^(0)`

` = 1/sqrt(2) cos ((alpha - beta )/2 )`

2. The maximum value of `cos \ (alpha - beta )/2` is `1`.

`:.` The maximum value of the determinant is ` 1/sqrt(2)`

Hence, both statements are correct.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) Both `1` and `2`
Q 1722434331

If ` | ( 6i, -3i, 1),(4, 3i, -1),(20, 3,i) | = x + iy ,` where` i = sqrt(-1),`

then what is `x` equal to?

NDA Paper 1 2014









` | ( 6i, -3i, 1),(4, 3i, -1),(20, 3,i) | `

` = 6i [3i^ 2 + 3] + 3i [4i + 20] + 1 [12- 60 i]`

` = 6i [-3 + 3] + 12i^2 + 60i + 12- 60i`

` = - 12 + 12 = 0 = x + iy`

`:. x = 0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `0`
Q 1732534432

If ` | (a , b ,0),(0,a ,b),(b ,0 ,a) | = 0` then which one of the following is

NDA Paper 1 2014

`a/b` is one of the cube roots of unity


`a/b` is one of the cube roots of `-1`


`a` is one of the cube roots of unity


`b` is one of the cube roots of unity


`| (a , b ,0),(0,a ,b),(b ,0 ,a) |`

` = a [a^2 - 0] - b [ - b^2 ] + 0`

` = a^3 + b^3 = 0`

` => a^3 = -b^3`

` => (a/b)^3 = -1`

Hence, `a/b` is one of the cube roots of `-1`.
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `a/b` is one of the cube roots of `-1`
Q 2420278111

If `|(p,-q,0),(0,p,q),(q,0,p)| = 0`then which one of the following is correct?
NDA Paper 1 2011

p is one of the cube roots of unity


q is one of the cube roots of unity


p/q is one of the cube roots of unity


None of the above


` |(p,-q,0),(0,p,q),(q,0,p)| = 0`

Expand with respect to `R_1`,

`p(p^2 - 0) + q (0 - q^2) + 0 = 0 => p^3 - q^3 = 0`

`=> (p-q)(p^2 + q^2 + pq)= 0`

`=> p - q = 0` and `p^2 + q^2 + pq = 0`

`=> p = q` and `p^2/q^2 + 1 + (pq)/q^2 = 0`

`=> ( p/q) = 1` and `( p/q)^2 + ( p/q) + 1 = 0`

We conclude that `( p/q)` is one of the cube roots of unity.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) p/q is one of the cube roots of unity
Q 2410278119

If `a^(-1) + b^(-1) + c^(-1) = 0` such that

`|(1+a,1,1),(1,1+b,1),(1,1,1+c)| = lamda` then what is `lamda` equal to?
NDA Paper 1 2011









Given, `a^(-1) + b^(-1) + c^(-1) = 0` ......(i)

`|(1+a,1,1),(1,1+b,1),(1,1,1+c)| = lamda`

Expand with respect to `R_1`,

`(1 + a) {(1 + b) (1 +c) - 1}- 1 {1 + c- 1} + 1 {1- 1- b} = lamda`.

`=> (1 + a) {b + c + bc} - c - b = lamda`.

`=> b + c + bc + ab + ac + abc - c - b = lamda`.

`=> bc + ab + ac + abc = lamda`

`=> abc (1/a + 1/b + 1/c) + abc = lamda`

`=> abc {(a^(-1) + b^(-1) + c^(-1)) + 1} = lamda`

`=> abc (0 + 1) = lamda` [from Eq. (i)]

`:. lamda = abc`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `abc`
Q 2806867778

If `Delta = | ( 1 + a , 1 , 1 ),(1 , 1 + b , 1),(1,1, 1 + c) |`, then consider the following statements
I. If `1/a + 1/b + 1/c = 0`, then `delta = abc`.
II. If `a^(-1) + b^(-1) + c^(-1) = -1`, then `Delta = 0`.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct ?


Only I


Only II


Both I and II


Neither I nor II


We have, `Delta = | ( 1 + a , 1 , 1 ),(1 , 1 + b , 1),(1,1, 1 + c) |`

Expanding with respect to `R_1`

`Delta = ( 1 + a) [ ( 1 + b) (1 + c) - 1]`

`- 1( 1 + c - 1) + (1 - 1 - b)`

`=(1+ a) (b + c + bc) - c - b`

`= bc + ab + ac + abc`

`= abc {1/a + 1/b + 1/c } + abc`

If `1/a + 1/b + 1/c = 0`,

then `Delta = abc (0) + abc = abc `

`:.` Statement I is correct.

Now, `1/a + 1/b + 1/c = - 1`

` => Delta = abc (-1) + abc = 0`

`:.` Statement II is correct.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) Both I and II
Q 2410178910

What is the value of `|( sin 10°,-cos 10°),( sin 80°,cos 80°)|`?
NDA Paper 1 2008









` |( sin 10°,-cos 10°),( sin 80°,cos 80°)|`

`= sin 10° cos 80° + sin 80° cos 10°`

`= sin (10° + 80°) = sin 90°`

`= 1 [ ∵ sin (A + B) = sin A· cos B + cos A . sin B]`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `1`
Q 2514145959

The determinant

`| (a,b,a alpha +b ),(b,c, b alpha +c), (a alpha +b , b alpha +c, 0) | = 0`if `a, b, c` are in
UPSEE 2008







None of these


If three numbers `a. b, c` are in G.P,. then

Given, `| (a,b,a alpha +b ),(b,c, b alpha +c), (a alpha +b , b alpha +c, 0) | = 0`i

`=> | (a,b, a alpha +b ), (b,c, b alpha +c ), (0,0, -(a alpha^2 + 2 b alpha +c)) | =0`

`(R_3 -> R_3 -alpha R_1 -R_2)`

`=> a { -c (a alpha^2 + 2 b alpha +c) -0}`

`= -b { -b (a alpha^2 +2 b alpha +c) -0} =0`

`=> -ac (a alpha^2 +2 b alpha +c)+b^2 (a alpha^2 +2 b alpha +c)=0`

`=> (b^2 -ac ) (a alpha^2 +2 b alpha +c) =0`

`=>` Either `b^2 -ac =0`, or ` c alpha^2 + a b alpha +c =0`

`:. ` Either `a,b,c` care in GP or `a alpha^2 + 2 b alpha + c = 0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) GP
Q 1419534410

If `Delta_1 = |(1 ,1 ,1),(a, b, c),( a^2 , b^2 ,c^2)|, Delta_2 = |(1, bc ,a),(1, ca, b),( 1, ab, c)|`, then


`Delta_1 + Delta_2 =0`


`Delta_1 + 2 Delta_2 =0`


`Delta_1 = Delta_2`


`Delta_1 = 2 Delta_2`


`Delta_1 = |(1, 1 ,1),(a, b, c),(a^2, b^2, c^2)| = (a-b) ( b-c) (c-a)`

and `Delta_2 = |(1, bc,a),( 1, ca, b),( 1, ab, c)|`

`=1/(abc) |( a, abc, a^2),(b, abc, b^2),( c, abc, c^2)|`

`= |(a,1,a^2),(b ,1, b^2),(c, 1, c^2)| = - |(1,a, a^2),(1, b, b^2),(1, c, c^2)|`

`=- | (1,1,1),(a,b,c),(a^2 ,b^2,c^2)| = - Delta _1`

`:. Delta_1 + Delta_2 =0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `Delta_1 + Delta_2 =0`
Q 2418434300

If ` | ( x, x^2 , 1 + x^3),(y, y^2 , 1 + y^3),(z ,z^2 , 1 + z^3)| = 0` and `x, y, z` are all
distinct, then `xyz` is equal to
UPSEE 2009










` | ( x, x^2 , 1 + x^3),(y, y^2 , 1 + y^3),(z ,z^2 , 1 + z^3)| = 0`

` => | (x,x^2 + 1),(y,y^2 + 1),( z,z^2 + 1)| + |(x,x^2,x^3),(y,y^2,y^3),(z,z^2,z^3)| = 0`

` => | (x,x^2 + 1),(y,y^2 + 1),( z,z^2 + 1)| + xyz |(1,x,x^2),(1,y,y^2),(1,z,z^2)| = 0`

` => ( 1 + xyz) |(1,x,x^2),(1,y,y^2),(1,z,z^2)| = 0`

` => 1 + xyz = 0 => xyz = -1`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `-1`
Q 2440178013

If ` | (8,-5,1),(5,x,1),(6,3,1)| = 2` then what is the value of `x`?
NDA Paper 1 2012









Given that, `| (8,-5,1),(5,x,1),(6,3,1)| = 20`

Using operations `R_2 -> R_2 - R_1` and `R_3 -> R_3 - R_1`,

`| (8,-5,1),(-3,x+5,0),(-2,8,0)| = 2`

Expanding along `C_3`,

`1·(-24 + 2x + 10) = 2 => 2x - 14 = 2`

`=> 2x = 16 => x = 8`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `8`
Q 2470280116

If ` | (2,4,0),(0,5,16),(0,0,1+p)| = 20` , then what is the value of
NDA Paper 1 2008









`| (2,4,0),(0,5,16),(0,0,1+p)| = 20`

On expanding along `C_1`,

`2 {5(1 + p)- 0} = 20`

`=> 1 + p = 2`

`:. p = 1`

Alternate Method

In triangular matrix, the determinant of the matrix

= Product of principle diagonal elements

`:. 2.5(1 + p) = 20`

`=> 1 + p = 2`

` :. p = 1`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `1`
Q 2450378214

If `5` and `7` are the roots of the equation
`|(x,4,5),(7,x,7),(5,8,x)| =0`, then what is the third root?
NDA Paper 1 2011









` |(x,4,5),(7,x,7),(5,8,x)| =0`

Expand with respect to `R_1`,

`x(x^2 - 56) - 4(7x - 35) + 5(56 - 5x) = 0`

`=> x^3 - 56x - 28x + 140 + 280 - 25x = 0`

` => x^3 - 109x + 420 = 0`

`=> (x- 5) (x- 7) (x + 12) = 0`

` :. x = -12`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `-12`

Minors and Cofactors of a Determinant

See examples
Q 2480734617

The cofactor of the element `4` in the determinant
` | (1,2,3),(4,5,6),(5,8,9) |` is
NDA Paper 1 2013









Let `Delta = | (1,2,3),(4,5,6),(5,8,9) |`

Now, cofactor of element `A = ( -1)^(2 + 1) | (2,3),(8,9) |`

` = - (18 - 24) = 6`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `6`
Q 2420245111

What is the value of the minor of the element `9` in
the determinant ` | ( 10, 19 , 2),(0,13,1),(9, 24 , 2) |` ?
NDA Paper 1 2013

`- 9`








Let ` Delta = | ( 10, 19 , 2),(0,13,1),(9, 24 , 2) |`

` :. ` Minor of element `9 = | (19 , 2),(13 , 1)| = 19 - 26 = -7`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `-7`
Q 2826878771

Consider the determinant, ` Delta = | (p ,q , r),(x , y ,z),(l , m ,n) | ; M_(ij)` denotes the minor of an element in ith row and jth column; `C_(ij)` denotes the cofactor of an element in i th row and j th column.
The value of `p · C_(21) + q · C_(22) + r · C_(23)` is




`- Delta`






`p, q, r` are the entries of first row and

`C_(21) , C_(22) , C_(23)` are cofactors of second row.

`:. p . C_(21) +q ·C_(22) + r·C_(23) = 0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `0`
Q 2577578486

Find the determinants of minors and cofactors of the determinant ` | (2,3,4),(7,2,-5),(8,-1,3)|`


Here, `M_(11) = | (2,-5),(-1,3)| = 6 - 5 = 1` [delete 1st row and 1st column]

` :. C_(11) =(-1)^(1 + 1) M_(11) = M_(11) = 1`

`M_(12) = | (7, -5),(8,3) | =21 + 40 = 61` [delete 1st row and 2nd column]

`C_(12) = (-1)^(1 + 2) M_(12) = -M_(12) = -61`

`M_(13) = | (7 ,2),(8, -1) | = -7 - 16 = -23` [delete 1st row and 3rd column]

`C_(13) = (-1)^(1 +3) M_(13) = M_(13) = -23`

` M_(21) = | (3, 4),(-1 , 3) |` [delete 2nd row and 1st column]

`= 9 + 4 = 13`

`C_(21) = (-1)^(2+1) M_(21) = - M_(21) = - 13`

`M_(22) = | (2 ,4),(8,3)|` [delete 2nd row and 2nd column]

`= 6 - 32 = -26`

`C_(22) = (-1)^(2+ 2) M_(22) = M_(22) = -26`

`M_(23) = | (2 ,3),(8 , -1) |` [delete 2nd row and 3rd column]

`= - 2 - 24 = -26`

`C_(23) = (-1)^(2+3) M_(23) =- M_(23) =26`

`M_(31) = | (3,4),(2 , -5) |` [delete 3rd row and 1st column]

`= - 15 - 8 = -23`

`C_(31) = (-1)^(3 +1) M_(31) = M_(31) = -23`

`M_(32) = | ( 2, 4),(7 , - 5) |` [delete 3rd row and 2nd column]

`= - 10 - 28 = -38`

`:. C_(32) = (-1)^(3 + 2) M_(32) = - M_(32) = 38`

`M_(33) = |(2,3),(7,2)| = 4 -21 = -17`[delete 3rd row and 3rd column]

`:. C_(33) = (-1)^(3+3) M_(33) = M_(33) = -17`

Hence, determinants of minors and cofactors are

` | ( 1 , 61 , - 23),(13 ,- 26 , - 26),( -23 , -38, - 17)|` and ` | (1, -61 , -23 ),(-13 , -26 ,26),(-23 , 38 , -17 ) |` respectively.
Q 2632423332

Find the minor of the element of second row and third column `(a_(23))` in the following determinant:
` |(2,-3,5),(6,0,4),(1,5,-7)|`

CBSE-12th 2010

Given determinant `= |(2,-3,5),(6,0,4),(1,5,-7)|`

Minor of the element `a_(23)` is `M_(23)`

Obtained by deleting III column and II row

`M_(23) = |(2,-3),(1,5) |`

` = 10 - (-3)`

` = 13`

Algebra of determinants

Q 2856167074

What is the value of
` |(cos 15° , sin 15°),(cos 45° , sin 45°) | xx | (cos 45° , cos 15°),(sin 45° , sin 15°)|` ?










`Delta = |(cos 15° , sin 15°),(cos 45° , sin 45°) | xx | (cos 45° , cos 15°),(sin 45° , sin 15°)|`

` = | ( cos 15°·cos 45^o + sin 15^o · sin 45^o cos^2 15^o + sin^2 15^o ) , ( cos^2 45° + sin^2 45° cos 45^o · cos 15^o + sin 45^o · sin^o 15^o) |`

` = | ( cos( 45^o - 15^o ) , 1 ),( 1, cos( 45^o - 15^o )) |`

` = | ( sqrt3/2 , 1),(1 , sqrt3/2) | = 3/4 - 1 = - 1/4`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `-1/4`
Q 2354045854

If `D = |(1,a,b),(1,b,c),(1,c,a)|` , then `| (a,b,c),(b,c,a),(1,1,1)|` equals :







None of these


`| (a,b,c),(b,c,a),(1,1,1)| = |(a,b,1),(b,c,1),(c,a,1)|`

[interchanging rows and columns]

`= (−1) | (a,1,b),(b,1,c),(c,1,a)|`

[interchanging `C_2` and `C_3`]

` = (−1)^2 | (1,a,b),(1,b,c),(1,c,a)|`

[interchanging `C_1` and `C_2`]

` = | (1,a,b),(1,b,c),(1,c,a)| = D`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `D`
Q 2846778673

`A (theta) = [ (sin theta , i cos theta),(i cos theta , sin theta) ]` , where `i = sqrt(- 1)`
If `B(theta) = A (pi/2 - theta)`. then `AB` equals


`[ (0, i),(i,0) ]`


`[ (0, -i),(- i, 0) ]`


`[ (0, 1),(1 , 0) ]`


None of these


We have, `B(theta) = A ( pi/2 - theta)`

` = [ ( sin ( pi/2 - theta) , i cos ( pi/2 - theta)),( i cos ( pi/2 - theta) , sin ( pi/2 - theta) ) ]`

` = [ ( cos theta , i sin theta),( i sin theta , cos theta) ]`


` AB = [ ( sin theta , i cos theta),( i sin theta , sin theta) ] [ ( cos theta , i sin theta),( i sin theta , cos theta) ]`

` = [ ( sin theta cos theta + i^2 sin theta cos theta , i sin^2 theta + i cos^2 theta ),( i cos^2 theta + i sin^2 theta , i^2 cos theta sin theta + sin theta cos theta ) ]`

` = [ (0 , i),(i , 0) ]`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `[ (0, i),(i,0) ]`

Properties of deteminats and transformation in determinants

See examples.
Q 2713291149

If ` A = [ (alpha , 2),(2 , alpha) ]` and `det (A^3) = 125,` then `alpha` is equal to
NDA Paper 1 2017









`A =[(alpha, 2),(2, alpha)]`

`det (A^3) = 125`

`(det A)^3 = 125`

`(alpha^2 -4)^3 = 125 = 5^3`

`alpha^2 =9`

`alpha= pm 3`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `±3`
Q 2743391243

If B is a non-singular matrix and A is a square matrix, then the value of `det `(`B^(-1) AB`) is equal to
NDA Paper 1 2017

det (B)


det (A)


det (`B^(-1)`)


det (`A^(-1)`)


` | B^(-1) AB|`

`= |B^(-1) | * |AB| ` (Since `|AB| = |A| * |B|`)

`= 1/(|B|) * |A| * |B|` (since `|B^(-1)| = 1/(|B|)`)


`Det (A)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) det (A)
Q 2440478313

If ` |(a,b,c),(l,m,n),(p,q,r)| = 2`,then what is the value of
` |(6a,3b,15c),(2l,m,5n),(2p,q,5r)|` ?
NDA Paper 1 2010









`∵ |(a,b,c),(l,m,n),(p,q,r)| = 2`

`:. |(6a,3b,15c),(2l,m,5n),(2p,q,5r)| = 30 |(a,b,c),(l,m,n),(p,q,r)|`

` = 30 xx 2 = 60`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `60`
Q 2763491345

What is the value of the determinant
` | (1,1,1),(1,1+xyz,1),(1,1,1+xyz) | ` ?
NDA Paper 1 2017

` 1 + x + y + z`


`2 xyz`






` | (1,1,1),(1,1+xyz,1),(1,1,1+xyz) | `

`R _1 -> R_2 - R_1`

`R_2 -> R_3 -R_2`

`| (0, xyz , 0 ), ( 0 , -xyz , xyz ), ( 1, 1, 1 + xyz) |`

`= x yz ( x yz )`

`= x^2 y^2 z^2 `
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `x^2y^2z^2`
Q 2731445322

If A is a square matrix of order `3` and `det A = 5`, then what is `det [(2 A )^-1]` equal to ?
NDA Paper 1 2016









`Det | (2A)^(-1) | = Det |(A^(-1)) * (2^(-1)|`

`= (2^(-1))^3 Det (A^(-1))` [ since of matrix of order `3`]

`= 1/(2^3) |A^(-1)| = 1/(2^3 ) * 1/2^3 * 1/(|A|) = 1/40`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `1/40`
Q 2107412388

Which of the following determinants have value 'zero'?

`1. | ( 41,1,5) , ( 79,7,9),(29,5,3)|`

` 2. | ( 1,a,a+b) , ( 1,b,c+a),(1,c,a+b)|`

`3. | ( 0,c,b) , ( -c,0,a),(-b,-a,0)|`

Select the correct answer using the code given below.
NDA Paper 1 2016

`1` and `2`


`2` and `3`


`1` and `3`


`1, 2` and `3`


l.Now, ` | ( 41,1,5) , ( 79,7,9),(29,5,3)| = | ( 1,1,5) , ( 7,7,9),(5,5,3)| =0 quad [C_(1) -> C_(1) -8C_(3)]`

[`∵` two columns of determinant are same, then value of
determinant is zero.]

`2. | ( 1,a,a+b) , ( 1,b,c+a),(1,c,a+b)| = | ( 1,a,a+b+c) , ( 1,b, a+b+c ),(1,c,a+b+c)|`

` [ C_1 -> C_2 + C_3]`

` = (a+ b +c) | ( 1,a,1) , ( 1,b,1),(1,c,1)| = 0`

[`∵` two columns cf determinant are same, then value of
determinant is zero.]

`3. | ( 0,c,b) , ( -c,0,a),(-b,-a,0)|`

`= 0(0 + a)- c(0 + ab) + b(ac- 0)`

[expanding with respect to `R_(1)`]

`=0- c(ab) + b(ac)= -abc+ abc =0`

Hence, `1, 2` and `3` determinants have value 'zero'.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `1, 2` and `3`
Q 2220291111

If `A` is an invertible matrix of order `n` and `k` is any positive
real number, then the value of `[det(kA)]^(-1) det (A)` is
NDA Paper 1 2015









`[ det (kA)]^(-1) det (A)`

` = 1/(det (kA)) xx det (A) quadquadquadquadquad [ :. a^(-m) = 1/a^m]`

` = 1/ (k^(n) det (A)) xx det ( A) = 1/ k^(n) = k^(-n)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `k^(-n)`
Q 1638823702

The value of ` |(1,1,1),(1 ,1+x,1),(1,1,1+y)|` is

NDA Paper 1 2015

`x + y`


`x - y`




`1 +x+ y `


` |(1,1,1),(1 ,1+x,1),(1,1,1+y)|`

` = |(1,1,1),(0 ,x,0),(0,0,y)|`

`= 1 (xy - 0) = xy` [emplaning along first column]
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `xy`
Q 2410178019

What is the value of the determinant
` | (a - b,b+c,a),(b-c,c+a,b),(c-a,a+b,c)|` ?
NDA Paper 1 2011

`a^3 + b^3 + c^3`




`a^3 + b^3 + c^3 - 3abc`




` | (a - b,b+c,a),(b-c,c+a,b),(c-a,a+b,c)|`

` = | (a - b,b+c,a+ b+ c),(b-c,c+a,a+ b+ c),(c-a,a+b,a+ b+ c)|` (use operation `C_3 -> C_3 + C_2`)

` = (a + b + c ) | (a - b,b+c,1),(b-c,c+a,1),(c-a,a+b,1)|`

[take `(a + b + c)` common from `C_3`]

` = (a + b + c ) | (a - b,b+c,1),(2b-a-c,a-b,0),(b+c-2a,a-c,0)|`

(use `R_2 -> R_2 - R_1` and `R_3 -> R_3 - R_1`)

Expand with respect to `C_3`.

`=(a+ b + c) {(a- c) (2b- a- c)- (a- b) (b + c- 2a)}`

`= (a+ b +c) (2ab - a^2 - ac- 2bc + ac + c^2`

`- ab- ac + 2a^2 + b^2 + bc- 2ab)`

`=(a+ b +c) (a^2 + b^2 + c^2 - ab - bc - ca)`

`= (a^3 + b^3 + c^3 - 3abc)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `a^3 + b^3 + c^3 - 3abc`
Q 1772334236

If `a != b != c` are all positive, then the value of the
determinant ` | ( a,b,c),( b, c, a),( c,a,b) |` is
NDA Paper 1 2014

non - negative


non - positive






` | ( a,b,c),( b, c, a),( c,a,b) | = | ( a+b+c, b, c) ,(a+b+c ,c ,a) ,(a+b+c ,a, b) |`

`(∵ C_1 -> C_1 + C_2 + C_3)`

` = (a + b + c) | ( 1,b,c),( 1, c, a),( 1,a,b) |`

[on taking `(a + b + c)` common from `C_1`]

`= (a+b+c) [1(bc - a^2) - b (b-a) + c (a-c)]`

` = (a+ b+c) [bc - a^2 -b^2 + ab + ac - c^ 2]`

` = (a+ b + c) [-(a^2 + b^2 + c^ 2 - ab - bc - ca)]`

` = - 1/2 (a+ b +c) [(a- b)^2 + (b- c )^2 + (c - a)^2]`

`=` Negative value
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) negative
Q 2211601520

If `a, b` and `c` are real numbers, then the value of the
` |(1-a,a-b-c ,b+c),(1-b, b-c-a,c+a),(1-c,c-a-b,a+b) |` is
NDA Paper 1 2015



`(a- b)(b- c)(c- a)`


`(a+ b + c)^2`


`(a+ b + c)^3`


We have,` Delta = |(1-a,a-b-c ,b+c),(1-b, b-c-a,c+a),(1-c,c-a-b,a+b)|`

Applying `C_2 -> C_2 + C_3` , we get

` Delta = |(1-a,a ,b+c),(1-b, b,c+a),(1-c,c,a+b)|`

Now, applying `C_1 -> C_1 + C_2, C_3 -> C_3 + C_2` and taking

common `a + b + c` from `C_3` , we get

` Delta = (a+b+c) | (1,a,1),(1,b,1),(1,c,1)|`

`∵ C_1` and `C_3` are identical.

Hence, the determinant is `0`.
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `0`
Q 2400445318

The value of the determinant ` | (m , n ,p),(p,m,n),(n,p,m) |`
NDA Paper 1 2013

is a perfect cube


is a perfect square


has linear factor


is zero


Let `Delta = | (m , n ,p),(p,m,n),(n,p,m) |`

Applying operation `C_1 -> C_1 + C_2 + C_3`,

` Delta = | ( (m+n+p), n, p),((m+n+p), m, n),((m+n+p) , p, m)| =( m+n+p) | (1 , n ,p),(1, m ,n),(1 ,p ,m) |`

Applying operation `R_2 -> R_2 - R_1R_3 -> R_3 - R_1`,

` Delta = (m+n+p) | ( 1, n , p),(0 ,m-n , n-p),(0, p-n,m-p)| = (m+n+p) | ( m - n , n-p),(p-n, m-p) |`

`= (m+ n + p)[(m-n)(m- p)-(n- p)(p- n)]`

`= (m+ n + p)(m^2-mn- p m+ pn+ p^2 + n^2- 2pn)`

`= (m+ n + p)(m^2+ n^2 + p^2 -mn-np- p m)`

` = 1/2 (m+ n+ p)[(m-n)^2+ (n- p)^2+ (p- m)^2] =` A linear factor
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) has linear factor
Q 2671180926

Using properties of determinants prove the following :
` | (1,1,1),(a,b,c),(a^3,b^3,c^3)| = (a – b) (b – c) (c – a) (a + b + c)`
CBSE-12th 2012

` Delta = | (1,1,1),(a,b,c),(a^3,b^3,c^3)| `

Applying `C_1 → C_1 − C_3` and `C_2 → C_2 − C_3`, we have :

` Delta = | ( 1 - 1 , 1- 1 ,1),(a- c, b- c, c),(a^3 - c^3, b^3 - c^3, c^3) |`

` = | ( 0,0,1),( a- c, b- c, c), ( (a-c)(a^2+ac+ c^2), (b-c)(b^2+bc+ c^2),c^3 )|`

` = (c-a )(b-c) | ( 0,0,1),( -1,1, c),(- (a^2+ac+c^2), (b^2+bc+c^2),c^3)|`

Applying `C_1 → C_1 + C_2`, we have:

` Delta = (c-a )(b-c) |( 0,0,1),( 0,1, c),(-(a + b+c),(b^2 + bc +c^2),c^3)|`

` = (a-b) (b-c)(c-a)(a + b+c) |( 0,0,1),( 0,1, c),(-1 , (b^2 + bc+c^2), c^3) |`

Expanding along `C_1`, we have:

` Delta = (a-b) (b-c)(c-a)(a + b+c) (-1) |(0,1),(1,c)|`

` = (a-b) (b-c)(c-a)(a + b+c)`

Hence proved.
Q 2826156971

If `T_P , T_q , T_r` are pth, qth and rth terms of an AP, then ` |(T_P , T_q , T_r),(p,q,r),(1,1,1) | ` is equal to








`p + q + r`


Let a be the first term and d be

the common difference of given AP.


`T_p = a + (p - 1) d, T = a + (q - 1)d`,

`T_r = a + ( r - 1) d`

`:. T_p - T_r = (p - r)d` and `T_q - T_r = (q - r)d`

Applying `C_1 -> C_2 - C_3` and

`C_2 -> C_2 - C_3` in given determinant,

we have

` Delta | ( (p - r)d , (q - r) d , T_r),(p-r, q-r , r),(0 , 0 ,1) |`

` = (p-r)(q-r) | (d , d , T_r),(1 , 1, r),( 0, 0 ,1) |`

` = 0 [ ∵ C_1 ` and `C_2` are identical ]
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `0`
Q 1723378241

One of the roots of ` |(x+a, b, c),(a, x +b, c),(a ,b ,x+c) | =0` is
NDA Paper 1 2014



`a+ b + c`


`-(a + b + c)`




Given that,

` |(x+a, b, c),(a, x +b, c),(a ,b ,x+c) | =0`

Use operation `C_1 -> C_1 + C_2 + C_3` ,

`=> |(x+a+b+c, b, c),(x+a+b+c, x +b, c),(x+a+b+c ,b ,x+c) | =0`

` => (x + a + b + c) |(1, b, c),(1, x +b, c),(1 ,b ,x+c) | =0`

Again use operation,

`R_2 -> R_2 - R_1, R_3 -> R_3 - R_1`

` => (x + a + b + c) |(1, b, c),(0, x , 0),(0 ,0,x) | =0`

Now, expanded along `C_1`,

`(x + a + b + c ) . 1 . (x^2) = 0`

`=> x . (x + a+ b + c) = 0`

`=> x + a + b + c = 0`

`=> x = - (a + b + c)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `-(a + b + c)`
Q 1702434338

If `A` is an invertible matrix, then what is det `(A^( -1))` equal
NDA Paper 1 2014

det `A`


` 1/(det A)`




None of these


` det(A^(-1)) = 1/(det A)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) ` 1/(det A)`
Q 2440778613

What is the value of ` | (1-i , omega^2 , -omega),( omega^2 + i , omega , -i),(1-2i- omega^2 , omega^2 - omega , i - omega)|`,
where `omega` is the cube root of unity?
NDA Paper 1 2009









Let `Delta = | (1-i , omega^2 , -omega),( omega^2 + i , omega , -i),(1-2i- omega^2 , omega^2 - omega , i - omega)|`

Applying `R_3 -> R_3 - (R_1 - R_2`),

` = | (1-i , omega^2 , -omega),( omega^2 + i , omega , -i),(0,0,0)| = 0 `

(since, all elements in `R_3` is zero).
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `0`
Q 2410678510

If `a, b, c` are non-zero real numbers and
` |(1+a,1,1),(1,1+b,1),(1,1,1+c)| = 0` then what is the value

of ` 1/a+ 1/b = 1/c` ?
NDA Paper 1 2009





`- 1`




Given, ` |(1+a,1,1),(1,1+b,1),(1,1,1+c)| = 0`

Applying `C_2 -> C_2 - C_1` and `C_3 -> C_3 - C_1`,

`=> |(1+a,-a,-a),(1,b,0),(1,0,c)| = 0`

Expanding along `R_3`,

`1(ab) + c(b + ab +a) = 0`

`=> ab +bc + ca + abc = 0`

`=> 1/a + 1/b + 1/c = -1`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `- 1`
Q 2470678516

`A = |(2a,3r,x),(4b,6s,2y),(-2c,-3t,-z)| = lamda | (a,r,x),(b,s,y),(c,t,z)|`, then
what is the value of `lamda` ?
NDA Paper 1 2009









Given, `A = |(2a,3r,x),(4b,6s,2y),(-2c,-3t,-z)| = lamda | (a,r,x),(b,s,y),(c,t,z)|`

Taking `2` common from `C_1` and `3` from `C_2` from LHS, we get

` 2 xx 3 |(a,r,x),(2b,2s,2y),(-c,-t,-z)| = lamda | (a,r,x),(b,s,y),(c,t,z)|`

Taking `2` common from `R_2` and `-1` from `R_3` in LHS, we get

`-12 |(a,r,x),(b,s,y),(c,t,z)| = lamda | (a,r,x),(b,s,y),(c,t,z)|`

On comparing, we get

` lamda = -12`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `-12`
Q 2460178015

The roots of the equation ` | (x,alpha,1),(beta,x,1),(beta, gamma ,1)| = 0` are
independent of

NDA Paper 1 2011







`alpha,beta` and `gamma`


Given, ` | (x,alpha,1),(beta,x,1),(beta, gamma ,1)| = 0`

(use operations `R_2 -> R_2 - R_1` and `R_3 -> R_3 - R_1`)

` => | (x,alpha,1),(beta-x,x-alpha,1),(beta-x, gamma-alpha ,1)| = 0`

Expand with respect to `C_3`,

`(beta - x)(gamma - alpha)- (x - alpha)(beta - x) = 0`

`=> (beta- x) {(-alpha + gamma)- (x- alpha)} = 0`

` => (beta - x) (-alpha + gamma - x + alpha ) = 0`

` => (beta - x)(gamma - x) = 0`

` x = beta , gamma`

So, the roots of the given equation are independent of `alpha .`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `alpha`
Q 2410078810

If `|(y,x,y+z),(z,y,x+y),(x,z,z+x)| = 0` then which one of the following is correct?
NDA Paper 1 2009

Either `x + y = z` or `x = y`


Either `x + y =- z` or `x = z`


Either `x + z = y` or `z = y`


Either `z + y = x` or `x = y`


`|(y,x,y+z),(z,y,x+y),(x,z,z+x)| = 0`

`=> |(x+yz,x+y+z,2(x+y+z)),(z,y,x+y),(x,z,z+x)| = 0`

(`∵ R_1 -> R_1 + R_2 + R_3`)

` => (x + y + z) |(1,1,2),(z,y,x+y),(x,z,z+x)| = 0`

`=> (x + y + z) |(1,0,0),(z,-z+y,x+y-2z),(x,z-x,z-x)| = 0`

(`∵ C_2 -> C_2 - C_1 ,C_3 -> C_3 - 2C_1`)

Expand with respect to `R_1`,

` (x + y + z) |(-z+y,x+y-2z),(z-x,z-x)| = 0`

`=> (x + y + z)(z- x)(-z + y- x - y + 2z) = 0`

`=> (x + y + z) (z- x)^2 = 0`

`=> x + y = - z` or `z = x`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) Either `x + y =- z` or `x = z`
Q 2430167912

Consider the following statements
I. A matrix is not a number.
II. Two determinants of different orders may have
the same value.
Which of the above statements is/are correct?
NDA Paper 1 2013

Only I


Only II


Both I and II


Neither I nor II


Statement I A matrix is only an arrangement of

numbers, it has no definite value.

e.g., `[7] != 7`

Statement II

Let `Delta_1 = | (1,2,3),(1,1,1),(1,0,0)|_(3 xx 3)`

`=1 (2 -3) = - 3`

and `Delta_2 = | (1,3),(2,3)|_(2 xx 2) = 3 - 6 = -3`

Hence, two determinants of different orders may have the same value.
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) Both I and II
Q 2420378211

What is the value of the determinant
`|(x+1 ,x+2,x+4),(x+3 ,x+5,x+8),(x+7 ,x+10,x+14)|`?
NDA Paper 1 2011

`x + 2`


`x^2 + 2`






`|(x+1 ,x+2,x+4),(x+3 ,x+5,x+8),(x+7 ,x+10,x+14)|`

(use operations `C_2 -> C_2 - C_1 ; C_3 -> C_3 - C_1`)

` = |(x+1 ,1,3),(x+3 ,2,5),(x+7 ,3,7)| = |(x+1 ,1,3),(2 ,1,2),(6 ,2,4)|`

(use operations `R_3 -> R_3 - R_1 ; R_2 -> R_2 - R_1`)

`= (x + 1)(0) - 1(8 -12) + 3(4- 6)`

`= 4 - 6 = -2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `-2`
Q 2450167914

The value of the determinant ` | (x^2,1,y^2 + z^2),(y^2,1,z^2 + x^2),(z^2,1,x^2+y^2)|` is
NDA Paper 1 2012



`x^2 + y^2 + z^2`


`x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + 1`


None of these


Let `Delta = | (x^2,1,y^2 + z^2),(y^2,1,z^2 + x^2),(z^2,1,x^2+y^2) |`

Use operation `C_3 -> C_2 + C_1`,

`Delta = | (x^2,1,x^2 + y^2 + z^2),(y^2,1,x^2 + y^2 + z^2),(z^2,1,x^2 + y^2 + z^2) |`

Taking `(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)` common from `C_3`.

` Delta = (x^2 + y^2 + z^2) | (x^2,1,1),(y^1,1,1),(z^2,1,1) |`

Since, `C_2` is identical as ` C_3`.

`:. Delta = (x^2 + y^2 + y^2) · 0`

` = 0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `0`
Q 2410167919

What is the value of ` | (-a^2 ,ab , ac),(ab , -b^2 , bc),(ac, bc , -c^2) |` ?
NDA Paper 1 2012







`- 4a^2b^2c^2`


Let ` Delta = | (-a^2 ,ab , ac),(ab , -b^2 , bc),(ac, bc , -c^2) |`

Taking common `a, b` and `c` from rows `R_1 , R_2` and `R_3` ,respectively,

` Delta = abc |(-a,b,c),(a,-b,c),(a,b,-c) |`

Again, taking common `a, b` and `c` from columns `C_1 , C_2` and `C_3`, respectively,

` Delta = a^2b^2c^2 | (-1,1,1),(1,-1,1),(1,1,-1)|`

` = a^2b^2c^2 [ -1 (1 -1)- 1 (-1-1) + 1 (1 + 1)]`

`= a^2b^2c^2 (0 + 2 + 2) = 4a^2b^2c^2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `4a^2b^2c^2`
Q 2410178010

If two rows of a determinant are identical, then
what is the value of the determinant?
NDA Paper 1 2012







Can be any real value


By property of. determinant, if two row/ column of a

determinant are identical to each other, then the value of

determinant should be zero.

e.g., ` |(a,b,c),(a,b,c),(x,y,z)| = |(a,a,x),(b,b,y),(c,c,z)| = 0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `0`
Q 1648523403

Consider the following in respect of two
non-singular matrices `A` and `B` of same order

I. det `(A+ B) = det A + det B`

II. `(A+ B)^(-1) =A ^(-1) + B^(-1)`

Which of the above is/are correct?
NDA Paper 1 2015

Only I


Only II


Both I and II


Neither I nor II


If `A = B + C`, then it is not necessary that

`det (A) = det (B) + det (C)`

Also, `(A+ B)^(-1) =A^(-1) + B^(-1)` is false.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) Neither I nor II
Q 2480345217

The roots of the equation ` | ( 1 , t - 1 ,1 ),(t - 1 , 1 , 1),(1 , 1 , t - 1) | = 0` are
NDA Paper 1 2013

`1, 2`


`-1 ,2`




`-1, -2`


Given that,

` | ( 1 , t - 1 ,1 ),(t - 1 , 1 , 1),(1 , 1 , t - 1) | = 0`

Applying operation `C_1 -> C_1 + C_2 + C_3`,

` | ( t + 1 , t - 1,1),( t + 1 ,1 ,1 ),( t + 1 ,1 , t -1) | = 0 => (t + 1) | ( 1 , t-1, 1),(1 , 1,1),(1,1,t-1) | = 0`

Applying operation `R_2 -> R_2 - R_1` and ` R_3 -> R_3 - R_1`,

` ( t + 1) | (1, t-1, 1),(0,2-t, 0),(0,2-t, t-2)| = 0`

Expanding along `C_1`,

` (t + 1) | (2-t,0),(2-t, t-2) | = 0`

`=> (t+1)(2-t)(t-2) = 0 => (t + 1) (t -2)^2 = 0`

`:. t = -1 , 2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `-1 ,2`
Q 2420145011

What is the value of the determinant

`|(1,bc, a (b+ c)),(1 , ca , b(c + a)) ,(1 , ab , c(a + b)) |` ?
NDA Paper 1 2013





`ab + bc + ca`


`abc(a + b +c)`


Let ` Delta = |(1,bc, a (b+ c)),(1 , ca , b(c + a)) ,(1 , ab , c(a + b)) |`

Use operation `R_2 -> R_2 - R_1` and `R_3 -> R_3 - R_1`

` Delta = |(1,bc, ab + ac),(0 , c(a-b) , (b-a) c) ,(0 , b(a - c) , b(c - a)) |`

Expanding along `C_1`

` Delta = bc (a- b) (c -a)- bc (a - c) (b - a)`

` = bc (a- b) (c -a)- bc (a- b) (c -a)= 0`

Alternate Method

Use operation `C_3 -> C_2 + C_3`

` Delta = | ( 1, bc ,ab+ac+bc),(1 , ca ,bc+ba+ca),(1 , ab , ca+bc+ab)|`

Taking common `(ab +bc+ ca)` in `C_3`, we get,

` Delta = (ab + bc + ca) | ( 1, bc , 1),(1 , ca , 1),(1 ,ab, 1)|` (since, `C_1` and `C_3` are identicals)

` = (ab + bc + ca) xx 0 = 0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `0`
Q 1772434336

Consider the following statements

1. Determinant is a square matrix.

2. Determinant is a number associated with a square

Which of the above statements is/are correct?
NDA Paper 1 2014

Only 1


Only 2


Both 1 and 2


Neither 1 nor 2


1. We know that, determinant is not a square

matrix, so it is not a true statement.

2. It is true that, determinant is a number associated with a

square matrix.

Hence. Statement `2` is correct.
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) Only 2
Q 2632345232

Using properties of determinants prove the following:
` |(a,b,c),(a-b,b-c,c-a),(b+c,c+a,a+b) | = a^3 + b^3 +c^3 - 3abc`

CBSE-12th 2009

` Delta = |(a,b,c),(a-b,b-c,c-a),(b+c,c+a,a+b) |`

Applying ` C_1 -> C_2 + C_2 + C_3`

` Delta = | (a + b + c , b , c),(0,b-c,c-a),(2(a + b+ c) , c+a, a+b) |`

` Delta = (a + b + c) |(1,b,c),(0,b-c,c-a),(2,c+a,a+b) |`

`R_3 -> R_3 - 2 R_1`

` Delta = (a + b + c) |(1,b,c),(0,b-c,c-a),(0,c+a-2ab,a+b-2c) |`

Expanding along `C_1`, we have,

` Delta = (a + b + c) ((b –c) (a + b – 2c) – (c – a) (c + a – 2b))`

`=> Delta =(a + b + c) ((ba + b^2 - 2bc - ca - cb + 2c^2 - ( c^2 + ac - 2bc -ac - a^2 + 2ab))`

`=> Delta = (a+ b+ c) (a^2 + b^+ c^2 - ca - bc- ab)`

`=> Delta = (a+ b+ c) (a^2+ b^2+ c^2+ - ab- bc -ac)`

`=> Delta = a^3 + b^3 + c^2 - 3abc = R.H.S.`

Differentiation of deteminants

Q 2731656522

Let `ax^3 + bx^2 + cx +d = | ( x+1 , 2x, 3x ) , ( 2x +3 , x +1 , x ) , ( 2-x , 3x + 4 , 5 x -1 ) | ` then
What is the value of c ?
NDA Paper 1 2016









`ax^3 + bx^2 +cx +d = | (x+1,2x,3x), (2x+3,x+1,x), (2-x , 3x +4, 5x -1) |`

Different with respect to `x` & put `x=0`

`c = | (1,2,3), (3,1,0), (2,4,-1) | + | (1,0,0),(2,1,1),(2,4,-1) | + | (1,0,0 ), ( 3,1,0 ), ( -1, 3 ,5 ) |`

`=1 (-1) -2 (-3) +3 (10) + (-5) +1 (5)`

`= -1-5+30 =24`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) 24
Q 2106380278

Consider the function `f(x) = |(x^(3), sinx , cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))|`
where `p` is a constant.

What is the value of `f'(0)?`
NDA Paper 1 2016







` -6p^(3)`


Given `f(x) = |(x^(3), sinx , cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))|`

where, p is a constant.

On differentiating both sides w.r.t. x, we get

` f'(x) = |(3x^(3), cosx , -sin x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))| + |(x^(3), sinx , cos x) , (0 ,0 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))|`

` +|(x^(3), sinx , cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (0,0,0)|`

` => f'(x) = |(3x^(2), cosx , -sin x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))| + 0 + 0`

` => f'(0) = |(0, cos0 , -sin 0) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))|`

` => f'(0) = |(0, 0 , 0) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))| = (-1) ( 6 p^(3) - 0) = - 6p^(3)`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) ` -6p^(3)`
Q 2166480375

Consider the function `f(x) = |(x^(3), sinx , cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))|`
where p is a constant.

What is the value of p for which `f' '(0) = 0?`
NDA Paper 1 2016

` - 1/6` or `0`


` - 1` or `0`


` - 1/6` or `1`


` - 1` or `1`


From question 49, `f'(x) = |(x^(3), sinx , cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))|`

Again, differentiating both sides, w.r.t. x, we get


` f''(x) = |(6x, -sinx , -cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))| + |(3x^(2), cosx , -sin x) , (0 ,0 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))|`

`+ |(3x^(2), cosx , -sin x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (0,0,0)|`

` => f''(x) = |(6x, -sinx , -cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))| + 0+ 0`

Since, we have `f" (0) = 0`

` => f''(0) = |(0, -sinx , cos x) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))| = 0`

` => |(0,0,1) , (6 ,-1 , 0) , (p ,p^(2) ,p^(3))| = 0`

` => 6p^(2) + p = 0`

`=> p(6p + 1) =0`

` => p = 0` or `6 p + 1 = 0`

` => p =0` or `p = - 1/6`

`p = - 1/6` or `0`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) ` - 1/6` or `0`
Q 2876378276

Given two determinants
`Delta_1 = |(x,b,b),(a,x,b),(a,a,x)| ` and ` Delta_1 = |(x,b),(a,x)|`

The `d/(dx) Delta_1 ` is






`3 Delta_2`


None of these


` d/(dx) Delta_1 = | (1,0,0),(a,x,b),(a,a,x) | + | (x,b,b),(0,1,0),(a,a,x)|`

` + |(x,b,b),(a,x,b),(0,0,1) |`

` = | (x,b),(a,x)| + | (x,b),(a,x) | + |(x,b),(a,x)| = 3 Delta_2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `3 Delta_2`
Q 2406256178

`Delta_1 = | (x,b,b),(a,x,b) , (a,a,x) |` and `Delta_2 = | (x,b), (a,x) |` are the given determinants, then
UPSEE 2013

`Delta_1 = 3 (Delta_2)^2`


`d/(dx) (Delta_1) =3 Delta_2`


`d/(dx) (Delta_1) = 3 (Delta_2)^2`


`Delta_1 = 3 Delta_2^(3/2)`


`Delta_1 = x (x^2 -ab) -b (ax -ab) +b (a^2 -ax)`

`=x^3 - 3abx + ab^2 + a^(2b)`

`d/(dx) (Delta_1) = 3x^2 - 3ab = 3 (x^2 -ab) = 3 Delta_2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `d/(dx) (Delta_1) =3 Delta_2`

Solution of System of Linear Equations

See examples
Q 2713391249

The equations
`x + 2y + 3z = 1`
`2x + y + 3z = 2`
`5x + 5y + 9z = 4`
NDA Paper 1 2017

have the unique solution


have infinitely many solutions


arc inconsistent


None of the above


`Delta = [ ( 1,2, 3 ), ( 2, 1 , 3 ), ( 5 , 5 , 9 ) ]`

`= 3 `

`Delta _1 = [ ( 1, 2 , 3 ), ( 2, 1 ,3 ), ( 4 , 5 , 9 ) ]`

`= 0`

`Delta _2 = [( 1, 1 , 3 ),(2,2,3),(5,4,9)] = -3`

So `Delta != 3, Delta _1 != 0` Equation have unique solution.
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) have the unique solution
Q 2781156927

Which of the following are correct in respect of the system of equation `x + y + z = 8 , x -y + 2z = 6` and `3x - y + 5 z = k ?`

1. The have no solution ,if `k = 25`
2. They have infinitely many solution , if k =20
3. They have unique solution , if k = 25.

Select the correct answer using code given below :
NDA Paper 1 2016

1 and 2 only


2 and 3 only


1 and 3 only


1, 2 and 3


`Delta = | (1,1,1), (1,-1,2), (3,-1,5) | `

`Delta = 1 (-3) -1 (-1) +1 (2) =0`

`Delta_1 = | (8,1,1), (6,-1,2), (k,-1,5) |`

`Delta_1 = 8 (-3) -1 (30-2k) +1 (-6+k)`

`Delta_1 =3 [- 8 -10 -2 + k]`

`Delta_1 = 3 [-20+k]`

`Delta_1 =0` (for `k=20 `)

`Delta_2 = | (1, theta ,1 ), (1,6,2),(3,k,5) |`

`= -k +20`


`Delta_2 =0` for `(k=20)`

Similarly `Delta_3 = 0 ` (for `k=20`)

So `Delta = 0 , ` & `Delta_1 =Delta_2 =Delta_3 =0` (for `k=20`)

` :.` system has infinite no. of solution.

Hence `2` is corect

1. If `k= 15`

`Delta = 0 , Delta_1 ne 0 , Delta_2 ne 0, Delta_3 ne 0`

`:.` No. solution for `k=15`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) 1 and 2 only
Q 2701667528

For the system of linear equation `2 x + 3y + 5 z = 9 , 7x + 3y - 2 z = 8` and `2 x + 3 y + lamda z = mu`
Under what condition does the above system of equations have infinitely many solution ?
NDA Paper 1 2016

`lamda = 5 ` and `mu != 9`


`lamda = 5 ` and ` mu = 9`


`lamda = 9` and ` mu =5 `


`lamda = 9` and `mu != 5`


for infinite solution `Delta = 0` & `Delta_1 =0`

`Delta = | (2,3,5), (7,3,-2), (2,3,lambda) | = 0`

`=> 2 (3 lambda + 6) -3 (7 lambda + 4) + 5 (21 -6) =0`

`lambda = 5`

`Delta_1 = | (9,3,5), (8,3,-2), (mu,3,5) | =0`

`=> 9 (35+6) -3 (40 +2 mu) + 5 (24 -3 mu) =0`

`=> mu = 9`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `lamda = 5 ` and ` mu = 9`
Q 2167712685

The system of linear equations `kx + y + z = 1`,
`x + ky + z = 1` and `x + y + kz = 1` has a unique solution
under which one of the following conditions?
NDA Paper 1 2016

`k != 1` and `k != - 2`


`k != 1` and `k != 2`


`k != -1` and `k != - 2`


`k != -1` and `k != 2`


Given linear equations

`kx + y + z = 1,`

`x + ky + z = 1` and `x + y + kz = 1`

For unique solution, ` | ( k,1,1) ,(1,k,1) ,(1,1,k)| != 0`

` => k(k^(2) - 1) -1 (k -1) +1 (1 - k) != 0`

`=> k(k + 1) (k -1)- (k- 1)- (k- 1) != 0`

`=> k(k- 1) (k + 1) - 2(k- 1) != 0`

`=> (k - 1 )[k^(2) + k - 2] != 0`

` => (k -1) (k- 1) (k + 2) != 0`

` => (k - 1)^(2) (k + 2) != 0`

` => k != 1` and `k != -2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) `k != 1` and `k != - 2`
Q 2366145975

Find the value of `k` for which the system of
equations `kx + 2y = 5` and `3x + y = 1` has no
NDA Paper 1 2011









Here, `a_1 = k, a_2 = 3,b_1 = 2, b_2 = 1,c_1 = 5, and c_2 = 1`
For no solution,

`a_1/a_2 = b_1/b_2 ne c_1/c_2`

`=> k/3 = 2/1 => k = 6`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `6`
Q 2430878712

Under which one of the following conditions does
the system of equations
`kx + y + z = k - 1`
`x + ky + z = k - 1`
`x + y + kz = k - 1`
have no solution?
NDA Paper 1 2009

`k = 1`


`k != -2`


`k = 1` or `k = -2`


`k = -2`


The given system of equations is

`kx + y + z = k - 1`

`x + ky + z = k - 1`

`x + y + kz = k - 1`

`:. A = [(k,1,1),(1,k,1),(1,1,k)] , B = [(k-1),(k-1),(k-1)]` and ` X = [(x),(y),(z)]`

Now , `|A| = |(k,1,1),(1,k,1),(1,1,k)|`

Expanding along `R_1`,

`= k(k^2 - 1) - 1 (k - 1) + 1 (1 - k)`

`= k^3 - k - k + 1 + 1 - k = k^3 - 3k + 2`

The given system of equations has no solution, if `| A | = 0`.

`:. k^3 - 3k + 2 = 0`

`=> (k-1)^2 (k+2) = 0 => k = 1` or `k = -2`
Correct Answer is `=>` (C) `k = 1` or `k = -2`
Q 2410180019

If ` (a_1//x) + ( b _1//y) = c_1 ,(a_2//x) + ( b _2//y) = c_2`
` Delta_1 = |(a_1,b_1),(a_2,b_2)| , Delta_2 = |(b_1,c_1),(b_2,c_2)|` and
` Delta_3 = |(c_1,a_1),(c_2,a_2)|`,
then `(x, y)` is equal to which one of the following?
NDA Paper 1 2008

`(Delta_2//Delta_1 ,Delta_3//Delta_1)`


`(Delta_3//Delta_1 ,Delta_2//Delta_1)`


`(Delta_1//Delta_2 ,Delta_1//Delta_3)`


`(- Delta_1//Delta_2 ,- Delta_1//Delta_3)`


Let ` 1/x = u` and `1/y = v`

`:. a_1u + b_1v = c_1` and `a_2 u + b_2 v = c_2`

Using the methods of cross-multiplication,

` u/(b_1 c_2 - b_2c_1) = v/(c_1a_2 - c_2 a_1) = (-1)/(a_1b_2 - a_2b_1)`

` => (1/x)/(|(b_1,c_1),(b_2,c_2)|) = (1/y)/(|(c_1,a_1),(c_2,a_2)|) = (-1)/(|(a_1,b_1),(a_2,b_2)|)`

` = (1/x)/Delta_2 = (1/y)/Delta_3 = (-1)/Delta_1 `

`:. 1/x = - Delta_2/Delta_1` and ` 1/y = - Delta_3/Delta_1`

` => x = Delta_1/Delta_2` and ` y = - Delta_1/Delta_3`
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) `(- Delta_1//Delta_2 ,- Delta_1//Delta_3)`
Q 2826767671

If `l + m + n = 0`, then the system of equations `-2x + y + z = l, x - 2y + z = m, x + y- 2z = n` has


a trivial solution


no solution


a unique solution


infinitely many solutions


`Delta = [ (-2 , 1 ,1 ),(1, -2, 1),(1 , 1, -2) ]`

`= -2 (4-1)-1 (-2-1)+ 1+ 2 = 0`

`Delta = |(l , 1,1),(m , -2, 1),(n,1,-2) | = | ( l+m +n , 0 ,0),(m , -2 , 1),(n , 1 ,-2) |`

` [ R_1 -> R_1 + R_2 + R_3 ]`

`= 0 [ ∵ l + m + n = 0 ]`

Similarly, `Delta_2 = Delta_3 = 0`

Hence, the given system of equations

has infinitely many solutions.
Correct Answer is `=>` (D) infinitely many solutions
Q 2434123052

The value of `lambda` and `mu` for which the
simultaneous equation

`x + y + z = 6, x + 2y + 3z = 10` and
`x + 2y + lambda z = mu` have a unique solution are
UPSEE 2011

(This question may have multiple correct answers)

(A) `lambda ne 3`
(B) `mu=3` only
(C) `lambda =3` and `mu=3`
(D) `lambda ne 3` and `mu` can take any value

For unique solution `| (1,1,1),(1,2,3),(1,2, lambda)| ne 0`

`=> 1(2lambda - 6) - 1(lambda - 3) + 1(2- 2) ne 0`

`=>lambda-3ne 0`

`=> lambda ne 3`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A)
Q 2477491386

Considers the system of equations

Where a,b,c are real numbers such that `a+b+c=0`
Then the system

Has two solutions


Is inconsistent


Has unique solutions


Has infinitely many solutions


`\Delta =|( a , b , c ),( b , c , a ),( c , a , b )|`

`\Delta = a(bc-a^2) - b (b^2 - ac) + c(ab-c^2)`

`\Delta = 3abc - (a^3+b^3+c^3)`

`\Delta = 3abc - [(a+b+c)^3 - 3ab(a+b) - 3bc(b+c) - 3ac(a+c) - 6abc]`

`\Delta = 3abc - [0 - 3ab(-c) - 3bc(-a) - 3ac(-b) -6abc] \ \ \ \ \ \( \because a+b+c=0)`

`\Delta = 3abc - 3abc = 0`

No solution `\Rightarrow` inconsistent
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) Is inconsistent
Q 2434123052

The value of `lambda` and `mu` for which the
simultaneous equation

`x + y + z = 6, x + 2y + 3z = 10` and
`x + 2y + lambda z = mu` have a unique solution are
UPSEE 2011

(This question may have multiple correct answers)

(A) `lambda ne 3`
(B) `mu=3` only
(C) `lambda =3` and `mu=3`
(D) `lambda ne 3` and `mu` can take any value

For unique solution `| (1,1,1),(1,2,3),(1,2, lambda)| ne 0`

`=> 1(2lambda - 6) - 1(lambda - 3) + 1(2- 2) ne 0`

`=>lambda-3ne 0`

`=> lambda ne 3`
Correct Answer is `=>` (A)
Q 2466045875

For the equations

`x + 2y + 3z = 1, 2x + y + 3z = 2`

and `5x + 5y + 9z = 4`
UPSEE 2010

there is only one solution


there exists infinitely many solution


there is no solution


None of the above


The determinant of the coefficient matrix of
given system of equation is

`|(1,2,3),(2,1,3),(5,5,9)|=1(9-15)-2(18-5)+3 (10-5)`

`=3 ne 0`

Hence, the system of given equation has unique
Correct Answer is `=>` (A) there is only one solution
Q 2477491386

Considers the system of equations

Where a,b,c are real numbers such that `a+b+c=0`
Then the system

Has two solutions


Is inconsistent


Has unique solutions


Has infinitely many solutions


`\Delta =|( a , b , c ),( b , c , a ),( c , a , b )|`

`\Delta = a(bc-a^2) - b (b^2 - ac) + c(ab-c^2)`

`\Delta = 3abc - (a^3+b^3+c^3)`

`\Delta = 3abc - [(a+b+c)^3 - 3ab(a+b) - 3bc(b+c) - 3ac(a+c) - 6abc]`

`\Delta = 3abc - [0 - 3ab(-c) - 3bc(-a) - 3ac(-b) -6abc] \ \ \ \ \ \( \because a+b+c=0)`

`\Delta = 3abc - 3abc = 0`

No solution `\Rightarrow` inconsistent
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) Is inconsistent

Area of triangle using determinants

Q 1608180008

The area of a triangle, whose vertices are `(3, 4),
(5, 2)` and the point of intersection of the lines `x = a`
and `y = 5`, is `3` square units. When is the value of `a`?
NDA Paper 1 2015









We have, ` Delta = 3,` sq units

` :. 1/2 | (5, 2, 1) ,(3,4,1) ,(a,5,1)| = 3`

` 1/2 [5(4- 5)- 2(3- a)+ 1(15- 4a)] = 3`

`=> 1/2 [-5- 2(3- a)+ (15- 4a)] = 3`

`=> 1/2 [-5-6+ 2a + 15- 4a] = 3`

` => 2 - a = pm 3`

` => a= 5` or `-1`

`:. a=5`
Correct Answer is `=>` (B) `3`
