Mathematics Revision of Sequence and Series For NDA

Sequence and Series

Sequence is a function whose domain is a subset of `N` i.e. a set of natural numbers. It displays the images of `1, 2, 3, ... ,n, ...` as `f_1 ,f_2 ,f_3 , ... f_n , ... ,` where `f_n = f(n)`. If the terms of a sequence follows certain pattern, then it is called a progression. If `a_1, a_2 + a_3, ... , a_n` is a sequence, then the expression gives the series `a_1+a_2+a_3+.....+a_n`

Arithmetic Progression (AP)

It is a sequence in which the difference between two consecutive terms is same. i.e., `a, a +d, a + 2d, a+ 3d, ...` where, `a` is the first term and `d` is the common difference.

`nth` Term of an AP

Let `a` be the first term, `l` be the last term and `d` be the common difference of a certain sequence in AP. Then, `nth` term of AP is `T_n=a+ (n -1) d =l`

where, `d=T_n-T_(n-1) , n ge 2 , n in N`

`nth` term from last, `T_n' = l-(n-1) d`

Sum of `n` terms of an `A.P.`

`text(Standard appearance of an A.P.)` is

`a, (a+d),(a+2d)............(a+ (n-1) d)`

where `'a'` denotes the first term of the `AP`

`text(General term)`/ `n^(th)` `text(term/Last term of)` `A.P:`

It is given by `T_n= a + (n - 1)d`

where `a =` first term, `d =` common difference and `n =` position of the term which we require.

`S_n=a+(a+d)+(a+2d)+.......................+(a+(n-1) d)`

`S_n=(a+(n-1) d)+(a+(n-2)d)+(a+d)+...........................+a`





`=> S_n=n/2(a+l)` where last term, `l=a+(n-1)d`

`text(Important Results :)`

1. If `S_n, t_n` and are sum of n terms, `n^(th)` term and common difference of an AP respectively then

`d = t_n - t_(n-1) `

`t_n = s_n - s_(n -1) `

`d = s_n- 2 s_(n-1) + s_(n- 2)`

2.. A sequence is an AP if and only if the sum of its `n` terms is of the form `An^2 + Bn,` where `A` and `B` are constants independent of `n.` In this case, the `nth` term and common difference of the `AP` are `A (2n - 1) +B` and `2A` respectively.

3. If `S_n = an^2 + bn + c,` where `S_n` denotes the sum of n terms of a series, then whole series is not an AP. It is AP from the second term onwards.

4. If ratio of the sums of `m` and `n` terms of an AP is given by

`S_m/S_n = (Am^2 + Bm)/(An^2 + Bn)`

Properties of an AP

If `a_1, a_2 , a_3 , . ..` are in AP, then

`=> a_1 ± k, a_2 ± k, a_3 ± k, ...` are also in AP.

`=> a_1k, a_2k, a_3 k, ...` and `a_1/k , a_2/k , a_3/k` are also in AP.

If `a_1 , a_2, a_3,......` and `b_1, b_2, b_3,.......` are two Ap's , then

`=> a_1 pm b_1, a_2 pm b_2, a_3 pm b_3,.....` are also in AP.

`=> a_1b_1, a_2 b_2, a_3 b_3,.....` and `a_1/b_1 , a_2/b_2, a_3/b_3....` are not in AP

If `a_1, a_2 , a_3 , ...` are in AP, then

`=> a_1 + a_n = a_2 + a_(n-1) = a_3 + a_(n-2)=......`

`=> a_r =(a_(r-k) + a_(r+k))/2 , AA k; 0 le k le n-r`

Three numbers in an AP can be taken as `a-d, a, a+ d`.

Four numbers in an AP can be taken as `a-3d,a-d,a+d,a+3d`

If `nth` term of any sequence is linear expression inn such that `t_n =an + b`, then sequence is an AP with common difference `a`.

If sum of `n` terms of any sequence is quadratic expression in `n` i.e. `S_n = an ^2 + bn`, then sequence is an AP.

Arithmetic mean

If `a, b, c` are three positive numbers in `A.P.` then `b` is called the `text(arithmetic mean)` between `a` and `c` and `b= (a+c)/2.` If `a` and `b` are two positive real numbers and `A` is the `A.M.` between them, then
`quadquadquadquadquadquadquadb= (a+c)/2`

n Arithmetic Means between Two Numbers

If `a, A_1 , A_2 , A_3 ............ , A_n , b` are in AP, then we say that `A_1 , A_2 , A_3 , ......... , A_n` arc the n arithmetic means (AM) between two numbers tl and b. The common difference `(d)` of this AP is `(b-a)/(n+1)` and `m th` arithmetic mean is given by `A_m = a+ (m (b-a))/(n+1)`

By putting `m = 1 , 2 , 3 , .............., n` we can get the values of `A_1 , A_2 , ........... , A_n` The sum of `n` arithmetic means between two given numbers is `n` times the single AM between them i.e. `A_1 +A_2+A_3 + ........+ A_n = n` (single AM between a and b) If there is only one arithmetic mean 'A' between `a` and `b`, then `A = (a+b)/2`

Geometric Progression (GP)

It is a sequence in which the ratio of any two consecutive terms is same i.e. `a, ar, ar^2, ...`
where, `a` is the first term and `r` is the common ratio.

nth Term of `a` G.P.

It is given by `T_n = a . r^(n-1)`

where `a=` first term, `r=` common ratio and `n =` position of the term which we required.

Sum of `n` terms of `a` G.P.

`S = a + ar + ar^2 + .......... + ar^(n - 1)`




`S=(a(1-r^n))/(1-r)` ,where `r ne 1` , (if `r=1` then `S=na`)

Sum of Infinite Terms of `a ` G.P.

When `|r | < 1` and number of terms is infinite, then

`lim_(n-> oo) r^n =0`

`:. S_(oo) = a/(1-r)` where, `r= t_n/(t_(n-1))`

Properties of `a` G.P.

1. If `a_1 , a_2 , a_3 ........` are in GP with common ratio r, then `a_1k , a_2k , a_3k,........` and `a_1/k ,a_2/k ,a_3/k , ..........` are also in GP `(k ne 0)` with common ratio `r.`

2. If `a_1, a_2 , a_3, ...` are in GP with common ratio r, then `a_1 pm k , a_2 pm k , a_3 pm k , ...........` are not in GP `(k ne 0).`

3. If `a_1, a_2 , a_3, ...` are in GP with common ratio `r,` then

`(i) 1/a_1 , 1/a_2 . 1/a_3 ............` are also GP common ratio `1/r`
`(ii) a_1^n , a_2^n , a_3^n ,............` are also in GP with common ratio `r^n` and `n in Q.`
`(iii) loga_1 , loga_2 , loga_3 , .............` are in AP `(a_1 > 0, AA i)`
In this case, the converse also holds good.

4. If `a_1, a_2 , a_3, ...` and `b_1, b_2 , b_3, ...` are two GP's with common ratios `r_1` and `r_2,` respectively. Then,

`(i) a_1b_1 , a_2b_2 , a_3b_3 , ..........` and `a_1/b_1 , a_2/b_2 , a_3/b_3,.............` are also in GP with common ratios `r_1r_2` and `r_1/r_2` respectively.
`(ii)` `a_1 pm b_1 , a_2 pm b_2 , a_3 pm b_3 ,.............` are not in GP.

5. If three numbers in GP whose product is given are to be taken as `a/r , a,ar` and if five numbers in GP whose product is given are to be taken as `a/r^2,a/r ,a , ar ,ar^2 ,..etc`

6. If four numbers in GP whose product is given are to be taken as `a/r^3 , a/r , ar , ar^3` and if six numbers in GP whose product is given are to be taken as `a/r^5 , a/r^3 , a/r , ar , ar^3, ar^5,` etc.

Geometric Mean (GM)

If `a, b, c` are three positive numbers in `G.P.` then `b` is called the `text(geometrical mean)` between `a` and `c` and `b^2= ac.` If `a` and `b` are two positive real numbers and `G` is the `G.M.` between them, then
`quadquadquadquadquadquadquadG^2 = ab`

n Geometric Mean between Two Given Numbers

If `a , G_1 , G_2 , G_3 ....... , G_n , b` are in GP , then `G_1 , G_2 , G_3 , ............... , G_n` are called `n` geometric means between two numbers `a` and `b` . The common ratio `(r)` of this `GP` is `(b/a)^(1/(n+1))` and `mth` geometric mean is given by `G_m = a (b/a)^(m/(n+1))`

The product of `n` geometric means is equal to the `nth` power of single geometric mean between the two quantities, i.e. `G_1 * G_2 * G_3 * G_4 , ............... G_n = (sqrt(ab))^n`

If there is only one geometric mean `'G'` between `a` and `b`, then `G = sqrt(ab)`

Relation between AM and GM

If `a` and `b` are two numbers, then `AM=(a+b)/2`

and `GM= sqrt(ab)`

Now, `AM-GM=(a+b)/2 - sqrt (ab)`

`= ((sqrt a - sqrt b)/(sqrt 2)) ge 0`

`=> AM- GM ge 0`

Hence `AM ge GM`

Arithmetico-Geometric Progression (AGP)

A series in which each term is the product of the corresponding terms of an AP and GP, is called arithmetico-geometric progression (AGP).

e. g. `1 + 3x + 5x^2 + 7x^3 + ...`

Here, `1, 3, 5, ...` are in `AP ` and `1, x, x^2, ... ` are in `GP.`

Sum of `n` Terms of AGP

Let `a_1, a_2 , ...., a_n` be in AP and `b_1, b_2 , .... , b_n` be in GP.

Then, `a_1b_1, a_2b_2 , ... , a_nb_n` will be in AGP. If the first term of an AP is a, common difference is `d` and first term of a GP is b,
common ratio is `r`, then

`ab, (a+ d) br, (a+ 2d) br^2, ....` are in AGP.

Now, `S_n =(ab)/(1-r) + (dbr (1-r^(n-1)))/((1-r)^2) - ([a+(n-1)d]br^n)/(1-r), r ne 1`

If `-1 < r < 1` then `lim_(n->oo) r^n=0`

and `lim_(n->oo) nr^n=0`

`:.` Sum to infinity , `S_(oo) =(ab)/(1-r) + (dbr)/((1-r)^2)`

Harmonic Progression (HP)

A sequence is said to be a harmonic progression, if reciprocal of terms of the sequence form an `AP` i.e.
`a_1, a_2,a_3,....,a_n` are in HP, if `1/(a_1), 1/(a_2), 1/(a_3),.........., 1/(a_n)` are in AP

`nth` term of HP from beginning.

`T_n = 1/(1/(a_1) +(n-1) (1/(a_2) - 1/(a_1))) = (a_1a_2)/(a_2 +(n-1) (a_1-a_2))`

`nth` term of `HP` from end

`T'_n = 1/(1/(a_1) +(n-1) (1/(a_2) - 1/(a_1)))`

`= (a_1a_2a_n)/(a_1a_2-a_n (n-1) (a_1-a_2))`

Harmonic Mean (HM)

If two numbers `a` and `b` are in `HP,` then harmonic mean `(HM)` between them is given by `HM = (2ab)/(a+b)`

Insertion of Harmonic Mean

If `a,x_1 ,x_2 , ... ,x_n ,b` are in HP, then `x_1 ,x_2 , .. ,x_n` are in harmonic means between `a` and `b`.

These are the reciprocal of n arithmetic means between `1/a` and `1/b` .

Hence, `x_1 =((n+1)ab)/(a+nb), x^2 = ((n+1))/(2a +(n-1)b),........,` and so on.

Relation between AM GM and HM

Let `a` and `b` be two real positive unequal numbers, then AM, GM and HM between them are respectively,

`A= (a+b)/2 , G = sqrt(ab) , H =(2ab)/(a+b) => G^2 = AH`

Also, `A > G > H`

Hence, `G` lies between `A` and `H`.

Sum upto `n` Terms of Special Series `sum n, sum n^2 , sum n^3`, etc


`text(Type-1 :)` Sequences dealing with `sumn , sum n^2, sum n^3`

`sum n= (n(n+1))/2`

`sum n^2=(n(n+1)(2n+1))/6`

`sum n^3=[ (n(n+1))/2]^2=(sumn)^2`

`sum n^4 = (n(n+1)(2n+1)(3n^2+3n-1))/30`

`text(Type-2 : Using method of difference :)`

If `T_ 1 , T_2, T_3, ....... `are the terms of a sequence then the terms

`T_2 - T_1, T_3 - T_2, T_4 - T_3 .......`

some times are in `A.P.` and some times in `G.P. ` For such series we first compute their `n^(th)` term and then compute the sum to `n` terms, using sigma notation.

`text(Type-3 : Splitting the nth term as a difference of two:)`

Here is a series in which each term is composed of the reciprocal of the product of `r` factors in `A.P.`, the first factor of the several terms being in the same `A.P.`
