Mathematics Introduction, Basic concept and Graph of inverse trigonometry function For CBSE-NCERT
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Graphs of Trigonometric Functions

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Graphs of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Topic Covered

`star` Introduction
`star` Basic Concept and graph
`star` Graph of Inverse trigonometry function


`\color{green} ✍️` As we've studied, the inverse of a function `f,` denoted by `f^(–1),` exists if `f` is one-one and onto.

`\color{green} ✍️` As we know that trigonometric functions are not one-one and onto over their natural domains and ranges so their inverses do not exist.

`\color{green} ✍️` Here we will study, how to restrict domains and ranges of trigonometric functions which ensure the existence of their inverses.

Basic Graphs of Trigonometry

we have studied trigonometric functions, which are defined as follows:

1. sine function, i.e.,
`sin : R → [– 1, 1]`

2. cosine function, i.e.,
` cos : R → [– 1, 1]`

3. tangent function, i.e., `tan : R – { x : x = (2n + 1) π/2 , n ∈ Z} → R`

4. cotangent function, i.e.,
`cot : R – { x : x = nπ, n ∈ Z} → R`

5.secant function, i.e., `sec : R – { x : x = (2n + 1)π/2 , n ∈ Z} → R – (– 1, 1)`

6. cosecant function, i.e., `cosec : R – { x : x = nπ, n ∈ Z} → R – (– 1, 1)`

Plotting of `sin^(-1)` graph

`=>` Let us first take Sine function.

`y= sin x, quad quad R-> [-1,1]`

`=>` This function is not one-one and hence cannot be inverted.

But we can make a function one-one by restricting the domain.

`=>` We can make the function one-one by restricting the domain to `[-(3pi)/2 , -pi/2] , [ - pi/2 , pi/2] [ ( pi/2 , (3pi)/2]`

`\color{blue} ✍️ \color{green}(KEY \ CONCEPT) : ` The branch with range `[- \ pi/2 , pi/2]` is called principal value of branch, whereas other intervals as range give different branches of `sin^(–1)`.

`\color { maroon} ® \color{maroon} ul (" REMEMBER") :` Whenever we refer to the function `sin^(–1)`, we take it as the function whose domain is `[–1, 1]` and range is `[-pi/2,pi/2]`

`sin^(-1) : [-1 , 1]-> [ - \ pi/2 , pi/2]`

Remarks :

(i) If `y = f (x)` is an invertible function, then `x = f^(–1) (y)`. Thus, the graph of `sin^(–1)` function can be obtained from the graph of original function by interchanging `x` and `y` axes, i.e., if `(a, b)` is a point on the graph of sine function, then `(b, a)` becomes the corresponding point on the graph of inverse the graph of `y = sin x` by interchanging `x` and `y` axes. The graphs of `y = sin x` and `y = sin^(–1) x` are as given in . The dark portion of the graph of `y = sin^(–1) x` represent the principal value branch.

(ii) It can be shown that the graph of an inverse function can be obtained from the corresponding graph of original function as a mirror image (i.e., reflection) along the line `y = x`. This can be visualised by looking the graphs of `y = sin x` and `y = sin^(–1) x` as given in the same axes

Plotting of `cos^(-1)` graph

`=>` Let us first take cos function, same as sin function

`y= cos x, quad quad R-> [-1,1]`

`=>` This function is not one-one and hence cannot be inverted.

But we can make a function one-one by restricting the domain.

`=>` We can make the function one-one by restricting the domain to `[- pi , 0] , [ 0 , pi] [ pi , 2pi]`

`\color{green} ✍️ \color{green} (KEY \ CONCEPT) : ` The branch with range `[0 , pi]` is called principal value of branch, whereas other intervals as range give different branches of `cos^(–1).`

`\color { maroon} ® \color{maroon} ul (" REMEMBER") :` Whenever we refer to the function `cos^(–1)`, we take it as the function whose domain is `[–1, 1]` and range is `[0,pi]`

`cos^(-1) : [-1 , 1]-> [ 0 , pi]`

Plotting of `tan^(-1)` graph

`=>` Let us first take tan function,

`tan : R – { x : x = (2n + 1) π/2 , n ∈ Z} → R`

`=>` This function is not one-one and hence cannot be inverted.

But we can make a function one-one by restricting the domain.

`=>` We can make the function one-one by restricting the domain to `(- (3pi)/2 , -pi/2) , ( -pi/2 , pi/2), ( ( pi/2 , (3pi)/2))`

`\color{green} ✍️ \color{green} (KEY \ CONCEPT) : ` The branch with range `(-pi/2 , pi/2)` is called principal value of branch, whereas other intervals as range give different branches of `tan^(-1).`

`\color { maroon} ® \color{maroon} ul (" REMEMBER") :` Whenever we refer to the function `tan^(–1)`, we take it as the function whose domain is `R` and range is `(-pi/2,pi/2)`

`tan^(-1) : R-> ( -pi/2 , pi/2)`

Plotting of `cosec^(-1)` graph

`=>` Let us first take Sine function.

`cosec : R – { x : x = nπ, n ∈ Z} → R – (– 1, 1)`

`=>` This function is not one-one and hence cannot be inverted.

But we can make a function one-one by restricting the domain.

`=>` We can make the function one-one by restricting the domain to `[-(3pi)/2 , -pi/2] - {pi}, [ -pi/2 , pi/2] - {0}, [ pi/2 , (3pi)/2]-{pi}`

`\color{green} ✍️ \color{green} (KEY \ CONCEPT) : ` The branch with range `[- pi/2 , pi/2] - {0}` is called principal value of branch, whereas other intervals as range give different branches of `cosec^(–1).`

`\color { maroon} ® \color{maroon} ul (" REMEMBER") :` Whenever we refer to the function `cosec^(–1)`, we take it as the function whose domain is `R-[–1, 1]` and range is `[-pi/2,pi/2] - {0}`

`cosec^(-1) : R - [-1 , 1]-> [ - \ pi/2 , pi/2] - {0}`

Plotting of `sec^(-1)` graph

`=>` Let us first take sec function,

`sec : R – { x : x = (2n + 1)π/2 , n ∈ Z} → R – (– 1, 1)`

`=>` This function is not one-one and hence cannot be inverted.

But we can make a function one-one by restricting the domain.

`=>`We can make the function one-one by restricting the domain to `[- pi , 0]-{-pi/2} , [ 0 , pi]-{pi/2}, [ pi , 2pi] - {(3pi)/2}`

`\color{green} ✍️ \color{green} (KEY \ CONCEPT) : ` The branch with range `[0 , pi] - {pi/2}` is called principal value of branch, whereas other intervals as range give different branches of `sec^(–1).`

`\color { maroon} ® \color{maroon} ul (" REMEMBER") :` Whenever we refer to the function `sec^(–1)`, we take it as the function whose domain is `R - [–1, 1]` and range is `[0,pi]-{pi/2}`

`sec^(-1) :R- [-1 , 1]-> [ 0 , pi]-{pi/2}`

Plotting of `cot^(-1)` graph

`=>` Let us first take cot function, same as sin function

`cot : R - { x : x = nπ, n ∈ Z} → R`

`=>` This function is not one-one and hence cannot be inverted.

But we can make a function one-one by restricting the domain.

`=>` We can make the function one-one by restricting the domain to `(- pi , 0) , ( 0 , pi), ( pi , 2pi)`

`\color{green} ✍️ \color{green} (KEY \ CONCEPT) : ` The branch with range `(0 , pi)` is called principal value of branch, whereas other intervals as range give different branches of `cot^(–1).`

`\color { maroon} ® \color{maroon} ul (" REMEMBER") :` Whenever we refer to the function `cot^(–1)`, we take it as the function whose domain is `R` and range is `(0,pi)`

`cot^(-1) : R -> (0 , pi)`
