Mathematics Solution Of Differential equations with variables separable Method For CBSE-NCERT
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`color{red} ♦ ` Differential equations with variables separable

Methods of Solving First Order, First Degree Differential Equations

In this section we shall discuss three methods of solving first order first degree differential equations.

Differential equations with variables separable

● A first order-first degree differential equation is of the form

`color{red} {(dy)/(dx) = F(x,y)}` .........................(1)

● If `F (x, y)` can be expressed as a product `g (x) h(y),` where, `g(x)` is a function of `x` and `h(y)` is a function of `y,` then the differential equation (1) is said to be of variable separable type. The differential equation (1) then has the form

`color{red} {(dy)/(dx) = h (y)* g(x)}` ..............................(2)

● If `h (y) ≠ 0,` separating the variables, (2) can be rewritten as

`color{red} {1/(h(y) ) dy = g(x) dx}` ...........................(3)

`=>` Integrating both sides of (3), we get

`color{red} {int(1/(h(y) ) dy )= int(g(x) dx)}` ........................(4)

Thus, (4) provides the solutions of given differential equation in the form

`H(y) = G(x) + C`

`=>` Here, `H (y)` and `G (x)` are the anti derivatives of `1/(h(y) )` and `g (x)` respectively and `C` is the arbitrary constant.
Q 3117434380

Find the general solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx) - (x+1)/ (2 -y) , \ \ \ \ \ \ (y!=2)`
Class 12 Chapter 9 Example 9

We have

`(dy)/(dx) = (x+1)/(2-y)` ..........................(1)

Separating the variables in equation (1), we get

`(2 – y) dy = (x + 1) dx` .................. (2)

Integrating both sides of equation (2), we get

`int(2 -y) dy = int (x +1) dx`

or `2y - y^2/2 = x^2/2 + x +C_1`

or ` x^2 +y^2 +2x -4y +2 C_1 =0`

or `x^2 +y^2 +2x - 4y +C =0` where `C= 2 C_1`

which is the general solution of equation (1).
Q 3137434382

Find the general solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx) = (1 +y^2)//(1 +x^2)`
Class 12 Chapter 9 Example 10

Since `1 + y^2 ≠ 0`, therefore separating the variables, the given differential equation can be written as

`(dy)/(1 +y^2) = (dx)/(1 +x^2)` ..............(1)

Integrating both sides of equation (1), we get

`int(dy)/(1 +y^2) = int (dx)/(1 +x^2)`

or `tan^-1 y = tan^-1x + C`

which is the general solution of equation (1).
Q 3177434386

Find the particular solution of the differential equation `(dy)/(dx) = - 4xy^2` given that y = 1, when x = 0.
Class 12 Chapter 9 Example 11

If y ≠ 0, the given differential equation can be written as

`(dy)/y^2 = -4x dx` .....................(1)

Integrating both sides of equation (1), we get

`int(dy)/y^2 = - 4 int x dx`

or ` -1/y = - 2x^2 +C`

or ` y = 1/(2x^2 -C)` ......................(2)

Substituting y = 1 and x = 0 in equation (2), we get, C = – 1.

Now substituting the value of C in equation (2), we get the particular solution of the given differential equation as `y = 1/(2x^2 +1)`
Q 3107434388

Find the equation of the curve passing through the point (1, 1) whose differential equation is `x dy = (2x^2 + 1) dx \ \ \ \ (x ≠ 0)`.
Class 12 Chapter 9 Example 12

The given differential equation can be expressed as

`dy^** = ( (2x^2 +1)/x) dx^**`

or `dy = (2 x + 1/x) dx` .......................(1)

Integrating both sides of equation (1), we get

`int dy = int (2 x +1/x) dx`

or `y =x^2 + log |x| +C` ............(2)

Equation (2) represents the family of solution curves of the given differential equation but we are interested in finding the equation of a particular member of the family which passes through the point (1, 1). Therefore substituting x = 1, y = 1 in equation (2), we
get C = 0.

Now substituting the value of C in equation (2) we get the equation of the required curve as `y = x^2 + log | x |`.
Q 3147534483

Find the equation of a curve passing through the point (–2, 3), given that the slope of the tangent to the curve at any point (x, y) is `(2x)/y^2`
Class 12 Chapter 9 Example 13

We know that the slope of the tangent to a curve is given by `(dy)/(dx)`

so, `(dy)/(dx) = (2x)/y^2` ...................(1)

Separating the variables, equation (1) can be written as

`y^2 dy = 2x dx` ..................... (2)

Integrating both sides of equation (2), we get

`inty^2dy = int 2x dx`

or `y^2//3 = x^2 +C` ............................(3)

Substituting x = –2, y = 3 in equation (3), we get C = 5.

Substituting the value of C in equation (3), we get the equation of the required curve as

`y^3/3 =x^2 +5 ` ot `y = (3x^2 +15)^(1/3)`
Q 3177534486

In a bank, principal increases continuously at the rate of 5% per year. In how many years Rs 1000 double itself?
Class 12 Chapter 9 Example 14

Let P be the principal at any time t. According to the given problem,

`(dp)/(dt) = (5/100) xx P`

or `(dp)/(dt) = P/20` ..............(1)

separating the variables in equation (1), we get

`(dp)/P = (dt)/20` ..........................(2)

Integrating both sides of equation (2), we get

`log P = t/20 +C_1`

or ` P =e^(t/20) * e^(C_1)`

or `P = Ce^(t/20)` (where `e^(C_1) =C`) ...............................(3)

Now P = 1000, when t = 0

Substituting the values of P and t in (3), we get C = 1000. Therefore, equation (3), gives

`P= 1000e^(t/20)`

Let t years be the time required to double the principal. Then

`2000 = 1000 e^(t/20) `

`=> t =20 log_e2`
