Vectors And Scalars :

`text(Vectors And Scalars : )`
The physical quantities (we deal with) are generally of two types:

`text(Scalar Quantity: )`
A quantity which has magnitude but no sense of direction is called scalar quantity (or scalar),
`text(e.g.,)` mass, volume, density, speed etc.

`text(Vector Quantity: )`
A quantity which has magnitude as well as a sense of direction in space and obey the laws of vector
algebra is called a vector quantity, `text(e.g., )`velocity, force, displacement etc.

`text(Notation and Representation of Vectors :)`
Vectors are represented by `vec(a) , vec (b) , vec (c)` and their magnitude (modulus) are
represented by `a, b, c`, or `|vec(a)|, |vec(b)|, |vec(c)|` The vectors are represented
by directed line segments.

`text(For example)`, line segment `vec(OP)` represents a vector with magnitude `OP` (length of line segment),
arrow denotes its direction `O` is initial point and `P` is terminal point, also called as head & tail of
vector respectively.
