Arithmetic Progression (A.P.) :

It is sequence in which the difference between any term and its just preceding term remains constant throughout. This constant is called the `text("common difference")` of the `A.P.` and is denoted by `'d'` generally.

`text(Standard appearance of an A.P.)` is

`a, (a+d),(a+2d)............(a+ (n-1) d)`

where `'a'` denotes the first term of the `AP`

`text(General term)`/ `n^(th)` `text(term/Last term of)` `A.P:`

It is given by `T_n= a + (n - 1)d`

where `a =` first term, `d =` common difference and `n =` position of the term which we require.

`text(Properties of Arithmetic Progression)`

1. If `a_1, a_2 , a_3, ...` are in AP with common difference d, then
`a_1 ± k, a_2 ± k, a_3 ± k, ...` are also in AP with common difference d.

2. If `a_1, a_2 , ...` are in AP with common difference d, then
`a_1k , a_2k , a_3k ,...` and `a_1/k , a_2/k , a_3/k , ..........` are also in `AP (k ne 0)` with common
differences `kd` and `d/k` respectively.

3. If `a_1, a_2 , ..` and `b_1, b_2 , b_3 , ..` are two `AP's` with common differences `d_1`
and `d_2`, respectively. Then, `a_1 pm b_1 , a_2 pm b_2 , a_3 pm b_3,...........` are also in AP with
common difference `(d_1 ± d_2 ).`

4. If `a_1, a_2 , a_3 , ...` and `b_1 , b_2 , b_3 ,....`. are two `AP' s` with common differences `d_1`
and `d_2` respectively, then `a_1b_1,a_2b_2,...........` and `a_1/b_1 , a_2/b_2,............` are not in

5. If `a_1, a_2 , a_3 ... , a_n` are in AP, then

`a_r = (a_(r-k) + a_(r+k))/2 , AA k, 0 <= k <= n -r`

6. If three numbers in AP whose sum is given are to be taken as `alpha-beta, alpha, alpha+beta`
and if five numbers in AP whose sum is given, are to be taken as
`alpha- 2 beta , alpha - beta , alpha , alpha + beta, alpha+ 2 beta` etc.
`text(In general)` , If (2r + 1) numbers in AP whose sum is given, are to be
taken as `(r in N).`
`alpha - rbeta , alpha- ( r-1)beta ..........., alpha - beta , alpha , alpha + beta , ....... , alpha + (r-1) beta, alpha + r beta`

`text (Note:)` If `d > 0 =>` increasing A.P.

If `d < 0 =>` decreasing A.P.

If `d = 0 =>` all the terms remain same

`text(Highlights of an A.P. :)`

`(i)` If each term of an `A.P.` is increased, decreased, multiplied or divided by the same non zero number, then the resulting sequence is also an `AP.`

`(ii)` Three numbers in `AP` can be taken as `a - d , a, a + d` ; four numbers in `AP` can be taken as `a - 3d, a - d, a + d, a + 3d` ; five numbers in `AP` are `a - 2d, a - d , a, a + d,a + 2d` & six terms in `AP` are `a - 5d, a - 3d, a - d, a + d, a + 3d, a + 5d` etc.

`(iii)` The common difference can be zero, positive or negative.

`(iv)` The sum of the two terms of an `AP` equidistant from the beginning & end is constant and equal to the sum of first & last terms.

`(v)` For any series, `T_n = S_n- S_(n-1)` In a series if `S_n` is a quadratic function of `n` or `T_n` is a linear function of `n`, then the series is an `A.P.`

`(vi)` If `a, b, c` are in `A. P. => 2b = a +c`.

`(vii)` If a be the first term and d be the common difference, then AP can be written as

`a,a+ d,a+2d, ... ,a+ (n-1)d, ... ,` where `n in N. `

`(viii)` If we add the common difference to any term of AP, we get the next following term and if we subtract it from any term, we get the preceding term.

`(ix)` The common difference of an AP may be positive, zero, negative or imaginary.

`(x)` Constant AP common difference of an AP is equal to zero.

`(text(xi))` Increasing AP common difference of an AP is greater than zero.

`(text(x ii ))` Decreasing AP common difference of an AP is less than zero.

`text(Arithmetic Mean )(A.M.) :`

When three quantities are in `A.P.` then the middle one is called the Arithmetic Mean of the other two.
`e.g. ``a, b, c` are in `A.P.` then `'b'` is the `text(arithmetic mean)` between `'a'` and `'c'` and `a+ c = 2b.`
It is to be noted that between two given quantities it is always possible to insert any number of terms such that the whole series thus formed shall be in `A.P.` and the terms thus inserted are called the arithmetic means.

Sum of `n` terms of an `A.P.` :

`text(Standard appearance of an A.P.)` is

`a, (a+d),(a+2d)............(a+ (n-1) d)`

where `'a'` denotes the first term of the `AP`

`text(General term)`/ `n^(th)` `text(term/Last term of)` `A.P:`

It is given by `T_n= a + (n - 1)d`

where `a =` first term, `d =` common difference and `n =` position of the term which we require.

`S_n=a+(a+d)+(a+2d)+.......................+(a+(n-1) d)`

`S_n=(a+(n-1) d)+(a+(n-2)d)+(a+d)+...........................+a`





`=> S_n=n/2(a+l)` where last term, `l=a+(n-1)d`

`text(Important Results :)`

1. If `S_n, t_n` and are sum of n terms, `n^(th)` term and common difference of an AP respectively then

`d = t_n - t_(n-1) `

`t_n = s_n - s_(n -1) `

`d = s_n- 2 s_(n-1) + s_(n- 2)`

2. 2. A sequence is an AP if and only if the sum of its n terms is of the form `An^2 + Bn,` where A and Bare constants independent of n. In this case, the nth term and common difference of the AP are `A (2n - 1) +B` and `2A` respectively.

3. If `S_n = an^2 + bn + c,` where `S_n` denotes the sum of n terms of a series, then whole series is not an AP. It is AP from the second term onwards.

4. 1. If ratio of the sums of `m` and `n` terms of an AP is given by

`S_m/S_n = (Am^2 + Bm)/(An^2 + Bn)`
