Motion of Charged Particle in Magnetic Field (Lorentz Force Law) :

`text(Force on moving charge :)`

The magnetic force on a charge q, moving with velocity `v` in a magnetic field `B` is given by

`vecF = q(vecv xx vecB)`

This is known as the Lorentz force law. If electric and magnetic both fields are present the net force on q would be `vecF = q[vecE + (vecv xx vecB)]`

`text(Magnitude of magnetic force :)`

`F = qvBsintheta` (where q is without sign and `theta` is the angle between `vecv & vecB`.

`text(Direction :)`

Force is perpendicular to both velocity and magnetic field. Its direction is same as `vecv xx vecB` if q is positive and opposite of `vecv xx vecB` if `q` is negative.


(i) If `q = 0`, then `F = 0` i.e., neutral particles do not experience magnetic force.

(ii) If `v = 0` , then `F = 0` i.e., stationary charges do not experience magnetic force.

(iii) If `theta = 0` or `pi` , then `F = 0` i.e., when a charge moves parallel or anti-parallel to magnetic field it does not experience magnetic force.

(iv) If a = `(pi)/2` then `F = qvB` is maximum. If `B` is uniform the particle will trace a circular path, if `r` is the radius of the path then for circular motion.

`(mv^2)/r = qvB`

=> `r = (mv)/(qB) = p/(qB) = sqrt(2mE)/(qB)`

`text(Time period of circular motion :)`

`T = (2pi)/v`

=> `T = (2pim)/(qB)`

Motion of a Charged Particle When `vecv` and `vecB` are not Perpendicular

Magnetic force on the particle `F = qvBsintheta`

If the field is uniform the particle move along helix.

Velocity of particle can be divided into two components one parallel to `vecB` and other perpendicular to `vecB` In parallel direction of `vecB` the particle will move with uniform velocity as it will not experience any magnetic force along this direction whereas due to the perpendicular component of velocity it will undergo a circular path and these two motions together gives a helical motion.
Radius of helix, `r= (mvsintheta)/(qB)`

Distance between two successive identical parts or the helix,

pitch `p = ((2pim)/(qB)vcostheta)`

Time period of rotation, `T = (2pim)/(qB)`

(1) Work done by magnetic force on moving charge is always zero.
(2) If a charged particle moves only in magnetic field then its kinetic energy remain unchanged.
