Gravitational Field :

Gravitational field due to a mass is defined as the region of space in which it interacts with other masses. In order to get the extent of interaction between two masses we defined another quantity called gravitational field intensity. Gravitational field intensity due to a mass m at a distance `r` is defined as the force acting on unit mass kept at a distance , The gravitational field intensity is a vector quantity and its
direction is the direction along which the unit mass has a tendency to move.

Gravitational Field Intensity due to a Point Mass :

Consider a point mass `M` at `O` and let us calculate gravitational intensity at `A` due to this point mass. Suppose a test mass is placed at `A` .

By Newton's law of gravitation, force on test mass `F=(GMm)/r^2` along `vec(AO)`

`E=F/m= -(Gm)/r^2 hat e_r`.............(2)

Gravitational Field Intensity due to a Uniform Circular Ring at a Point on its Axis :

Figure shows a ring or mass `M` and radius `R` . Let `P` is the point at a distance `r` from the centre of the ring. By symmetry the field must be towards the centre that is along `vec (PO)`

Let us assume that a particle of mass `dm` on the ring say, at point `A` Now the distance `A P` is `sqrt(R^+r^2)`. Again the gravitational field at `P` due to dm is along `vec (PA)` and its magnitude is


`therefore` `dEcos theta=(Gdm)/Z^2 costheta`

Net gravitational field `E=(Gcostheta)/Z^2 intdm`

`=(GM)/Z^2 * r/Z`

`=(GMr)/((r^2+R^2)^(3//2))` along `vec (PO)`...................(3)


(i) If `r > > R, r^2 +R^2approxr^2`
`: . E=-(GMr)/r^3=-(GM)/r^2` (where negative sign in because of attraction)
Thus, for a distant point, a ring behaves as a point mass placed at the center of the ring.

(ii) If `r < < R, r^2+R^2approxR^2`
`: . E=-(GMr)/R^3` i.e., `Epropr`

Gravitational Field Intensity due to a Uniform Disc at a Point on its Axis :

Let the mass of disc be `M` and its radius is `R` and `P` is the point on its axis where gravitational field is to be calculated. Let us draw a circle of radius `x` and centred at `O` . We draw another concentric circle of radius `x + dx` . The part of disc enclosed between two circle can be treated as a uniform ring of radius `x` . The area of this ring is `2 pi x dx`

Therefore mass `dm` of the ring `=M/(pi R^2) 2 pi x dx =(2Mxdx)/R^2`

gravitational field due to the ring is ,


So,the gravitational field at `P=int dE=(2GMr)/R^2 int_0^R (xdx)/((r^+x^2)^(3/2))`

`=(2GMr)/R^2 [-1/(sqrt(r^2+x^2))]_0^R=(2GMr)/R^2[1/r-1/(sqrt(r^2+R^2))]`

So , `E=(2GM)/R^2(1-cos theta)`..................(4)

Field due to Uniform Thin Spherical Shell :

Case I : `text(When point lies inside the spherical shell)`

`E=int dE=G/r^2 int dm_(e nc l os e d)=0`..............(5)

Case II : When point P lies outside the spherical shell

`E=int dE=G/r^2 int dm_(e nc l os e d)=(GM)/r^2`..................(6)

Gravitational field due to thin spherical shell is both discontinuous and non-differentiable function.

Gravitational Field due to a Uniform Solid Sphere :

Case l : `text(Field at an external point)`

Let the mass of sphere is M and its radius is R , we have to calculate the gravitational field at P.

Thus, a uniform sphere may be treated as a single particle of equal mass placed at its centre for calculating the gravitational field at an external point.

Case II : `text(Field at an internal point)`

Suppose the point P is inside the solid sphere, in this case r < R the sphere may be divided into thin spherical shells all centered at O. Suppose the mass of such a shell is `dm`. Then

`dE=(Gdm)/r^2` along `PO`
so, `E=G/r^2 intdm`
where `intdm=M/((4/3)piR^3)quad4/3 pir^3=(Mr^3)/R^3`
`therefore` `E=(GM)/R^3 r`.....(8)

Therefore gravitational field due to a uniform sphere at an internal point is proportional to the distance of the point from the centre of the sphere. At the centre `r = 0` the field is zero. At the surface of the sphere `r=R`
so, `E=(GM)/R^2`.....(9)

Gravitational field due to solid sphere is continuous but it is not differentiable function.
