Mathematics CIRCLE


Let the equation of the circle be

`S = x^2 + y^2 + 2gx + 2fy+ c = 0`, and `P(h, k)` be any point then distance between the centre `(- g, - f)` and

P is given by `d = sqrt((h + g)^2 + (k + f)^2)`

`=> d^2 = (h + g)^2 + (k + f)^2`

`=> d^2 -r^2 = h^2 + k^2 + 2gh + 2fk + g^2 + f^2 - (g^2 + f^2- c)`

`quadquadquadquadquadquadquadquadquadquad = h^2 + k^2 + 2gh + 2fk + c = S_1`

Obviously `P` lies inside, on or outside the circle as `d` is less than, equal to or greater than `r` i.e. , `d^2 - r^2` is
negative, zero or positive. So,

`text(Fundas :) `

`(i) S_1(P) < 0=>` point lies inside the circle.

`(ii) S_1 (P) = 0=>` point lies on the circle.

`(iii) S _1 (P) > 0 => ` point lies outside the circle.


`text(Method - I :)`

Let the equation of the circle be

`x^ 2 + y^2 = a^2` ............................................. `(i)`

and the equation of the line be

`y = mx +c`...........................................................`(ii)`

From (1) and (2)

`x^2 + (mx +c)^2 = a^2`

`x^2 ( 1 + m^2) + 2 cmx +c^2 - a^2 = 0` ............. `(iii)`

`text( Case-I :) `

When points of intersection are real and distinct, then equation `(iii)` has two distinct roots.

Discriminant `> 0`

`4m^2c^2 - 4(1 + m^2)(c^2 - a^2) > 0`

`a^2 > c^2/(1+m^2)`

`a> |c|/sqrt(1+m^2)=` length of perpendicular from `(0, 0)` to `y = mx + c`

Thus, a line intersects a given circle at two distinct points if radius of circle is greater than the length of perpendicular from centre of the circle to the line.

`text(Case-II :)`

When the points of intersection are coincident, the equation `(iii)` has two equal root

`D =0`

`=>a= |c|/(sqrt(1+m^2))`

`a=` length of the perpendicular from the point `(0, 0)` to `y = mx + c`

Thus, a line touches the circle if radius of circle is equal to the length of perpendicular from centre of the circle to the line or called 'CONDITION OF TANGENCY'.

`text(Case-III :)`

When the points of intersection are imaginary. In this case (iii ) has imaginary roots

`D < 0`

`a < |c|/sqrt(1+m^2) `

or `a <` length of perpendicular from `(0, 0)` to `y = mx + c`

Thus a line does not intersect a circle if the radius of circle is less than the length of perpendicular from centre of the circle to the line.

`text(Method - II :)`

Let `S = x^2 + y^2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0` be a circle and

`L = ax +by + c = 0` be a line.

Let `r` be the radius of the circle and `p` be the length of the perpendicular drawn from the centre `(- g, - f)` on the line `L`.

Then it can be seen easily from the figure that. If

`(1) p < r=>` the line intersects the circle in two distinct points.

`(2) p = r =>` the line touches the circle, i.e. the line is a tangent to the circle.

`(3) p > r =>` the line neither intersects nor touches the circle i.e. , passes outside the circle.

`(4) p = 0 =>` the line passes through the centre of the circle.
