Human Evolution

Classification of Man :-
Phylum - Chordata
Subphylum - Vertebrata
Class - Mammalia
Subclass - Eutheria
Order - Primates
Suborder - Anthropoidea
Super family - Hominoidae
Family - Hominideae
Genus - Homo .
Species - Sapiens
The primates include Prosimians (Lemurs, tarsiers and related forms) and Anthropoids (Monkeys, apes and Human). They are descended from small rodent like or insectivorous mammals that evolved about 80 million years ago.

- Carolus linnaeus called human as Homo sapiens wiseman.
- Huxley explained origin of man in his book 'The man's place in nature'.
- Darwin explained ancestory of man in his book 'The descent of man.'
- Human is a member of order primates of class mammalia.
- Primates originated 80- 100 million years ago in palaeocene epoch of coenozoic era.
- Primates orignated from elephant shrews but they were not real primates.

Elephant shrews :-

Elephant shrews :-

- Originated in late Mesozoic era means Cretaceous Period.
- They were not real primates because
1. In their retina, only rods were present (cones absent).
2. Nails absent and claws present.
3. Long snout.
4. V- shaped Jaw.
5. By nature insectivorous.
6. Two pairs mammary glands are present.

Tree shrews :-

They were first real primates originated in palaeocene epoch.
1. Both rods and cones are present in their retina.
2. Claws absent and nails present on digits.
3. Shorter snout.
4. V- shaped jaw.
5. By nature insectivorous.
6. Two pairs mammary glands are present.
Order primates divided into 2 sub orders.

(A) Prosimians :-

Lemur - Evolved in Medagaskar
Loris - Evolved in China
Tarsiers - Evolved in Indonesia

They are prosimian ancestors of human.
(B) Anthropoids :- Monkeys

Monkeys :- 2 types

(1) Old world monkeys :- Rhesus (Macaca), Baboon (Old world =Africa, Asia)
(1) Tail Short or long, non prehensile tail.
(2) Narrow flat nose with downward direction of nostril
(3) U- shaped Jaw.

(4) Dental formula same as human `2123/2123= 32`
(5) Menstruation cycle is present in female.

(2) New world monkesy :-spider monkey, marmosets (New wolrd = South & Middle America)
(1) Long, prehensile tail.
(2) Protruding nose with upward direction of nostril.
(3) U - shaped jaw

(4) Dental formula `2133/2133= 36`
(5) Menstruation cycle absent but estrous cycle is present.
So, Old world monkeys are more closer to human.


Apes :- 4 types

Similarities between man and apes:-

(1) Tail absent.
(2) Erect posture.
(3) Grasping hands.
(4) Hairs are present on body.
(5) Larger head, more cranial capacity.
(6) More intelligent than other animals.
(7) Facial muscles are present for expression of surprise, pleasure.
(8) Menstruation cycle is present in female of both.
(9) Blood group of AB series are present in both.
(10) Composition of Hb is same in both. Only one amino acid is different in human and gorilla.
(11) Chromosomal similarities :-

(i) No. of chromosomes are approximately same in man and apes.
Apes = `48`
Man = `46`

(ii) DNA content and DNA matching is same in both. This similarity is
more than 99% with Chimpanzee
94% with Gibbon
88% with Rhesus monkey

(iii) Banding pattern of chromosome is same in both.

Banding pattern of ch. no. 3,6 of human and chimpanzee is 100% similar.

Differences :-

Human evolution :

Fossils of apes :

(1) Propliopithecus :- Origin & evolution in Oligocene epoch so called as Oligocene apes. Evolution about 30-35 million years ago.

(2) Agyptopithecus :- Origin and evolution in late Oligocene and Miocene epoch so called as Miocene apes.

(3) Proconsul/Dryopithecus :-lls fossils were discovered by Leakey from East Africa near Victoria lake in Kenya from Miocene rocks. walked on its four legs (considered as common ancestor of man and apes).

- Evolution `approx 15-20` million years ago.
- Direct ancestor of modern day apes.
- They were forest dwellers spending most of the time on the trees.
- Semi erect posture.
- Forlimbs longer than hind limbs.
- Thick growth of hair.
- U shaped jaws.
- Teeth larger and sharper.
- By nature vegetarian, fruit eater.

(4) `tt( (text(Ramapithecus)) ,(text(Shivapithecus)) ) ]` Fossils discoverd by Lewis from Shivalik hills in India.

(5) `tt( Kenyapithecus ) ]` Fossils discovered from Kenya by Leakey.

- Origin and evolution in Pliocene epoch.
- They are considered as ancestors of human but in characteristics same as Dryopithecus, but spending most of the time on the land.

# Ramapithecus was more man like while Dryopithecus was more ape like.

(7) Australopithecus :-Prof. Raymond dart discovered a fossil of skull of 5-6 year old baby from the old pliocene rocks of Tuang region (S. Africa). He named it Tuang baby, later on he renamed it A. africanus.

- About 3-2 million years ago it lived in East African grasslands.
- Evidences shows they hunted with stone but essentially ate fruits.
- It was an apeman because it have many characters of man and apes so it is also considered as connecting link between apes and man.

Apes like characters :

- Less cranial capacity - 600 c.c.
- Thick growth of hair on body
- Jaw U shaped and prognathous.
- Teeth larger and sharper.
- Eyebrow present over eyes.

Man like characters :

- Complete erect posture (first man who stood erect)
- Forelimb shorter than hindlimbs.
- Bipedal locomotion (first man)
- Dental formula same as human.
- Vertebral column with distinct lumber curve.

Prehistoric man :-

A number of other species of Homo appeared and became extinct from time to time on the evolutionary sense
before the origin of homosapiens. These extinct species are called prehistoric species of man.

(1) Homo habilis :-The Tool maker man or Handy man.
- First human being like.
- Its fossils were discovered by Dr. Leakey from 2 million years old rocks in Africa.
- Lived in caves.
- Cranial capacity - 650 - 800 c.c.
- Complete erect posture.
- Chin absent, dental formula same as human.
- Jaw 'U' Shaped {Prognathous).
- First man who made tools of stones for hunting animals.
- They probably didn't eat meat.

(2) Homo erectus :-direct ancestor of homo sapiens
- Java man
- Peking man
- Heidelberg man ( Branch from main line of Human evolution)
