Java man:

Homo erectus erectus name given by Mayer.
or Pithecanthropus erectus given by Dubois.

- Fossil obtain from central java by Eugene Dubois.
- Lived in caves
- They used Tools of bones and stones
- Cranial capacity - 800 - 1000 c.c.
- First man who used fire for hunting, protection, and cooking
- Origin and evolution, 1.5 - 2 million years ago.
- Chin absent, Jaw prognathous
- Complete erect posture
- Omnivorous, cannibalism have also found.
- It is also known as erect ape man

Heidelberg man :-

A fossil of lower jaw obtain from Heidelberg in germany il was discoverd by Ottoschotensack.
- Mandible was large, tooth raw rounded
- Cranial capacity- 1300 c.c.
- Origin & evolution -in Pleistocene epoch. It is believed that this species was evolved as a branch from
main line of evolution and got extinct after some time

Homosapiens :

- Neanderthal man
- Cromagnon man - Direct ancestor of modern man
- Homo sapiens sapiens - Modern man (Man of today)

(i) Neanderthal man :- Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
- Origin & evolution llakh to 40,000 lakh years back.
- Fossils were discovered by C. fulhrott from Neanderthal velly of Germany.
- They lived in huts.
- Cranial capacity 1300- 1600 c.c (same as H. sapiens sapiens) Average (1400 c.c.)
- Complete erect posture
- Semicircular jaw, Orthognathous
- Ceremonial burial of dead body with floweres & tools
- First man believed in "immortality of soul"
-Woar cloths of animal skin
- Less developed chin.
- Speech centre developed
- By nature- omnivorous (He was not only skilled hunter but true predator).

Cromagnon man :

(ii) Cromagnon man :- Homo sapiens fossilis
- Origin and evolution 50,000 to 10,000 years ago.
- Fossils discoverd by Mac gregor from Cromagnon rocks of France
- Lived in caves
- Cranial capacity- 1650 c.c. (maximum)
- Larger forehead, well developed speech centre and chin.
- Semi circular jaw, orthogna!hous jaw.
- Woar cloth of animal skin.
- This man was hunter and used domesticated dogs in hunting, so domestication of animals
started by cromagnon man.
- They also painted beautiful painting on cave walls. (Prehistoric cave art developed about 18,000
years ago.
- The cromagnon man is regarded as the direct ancesntor of modern man.
- By nature carnivorous

(iii) Homosapiens sapiens (Modem man) :-

Man of today

- Origin and Distributed in whole world 10 thousand years ago.
- Cranial capacity -1300- 1600 c.c. (Same as Neanderthal man)
- Semi circular jaw, orthognathous
- Well developed chin, well developed speech centre
- Smaller forehead, front eyes
- Less hairs on body as compared to fossil man
- By nature omnivorous.
- It is belived that modern man evolved in Africa, later its members migrated to westwards, eastwards and
south wards
- Agriculture was also started by them. (Before 10,000 years)

Man of future :- homosapiens futuralis

- Dr. Shapiro named man of future as Homo futuralis
- Taller and hairless body
- Tomb like head and larger brain.
- With no fifth finger

Special Point :-
(1) Anthropology :-Study of evolutionary history of man.
(2) Ethology :- Study of animal habbits and behaviour.
(3) Hylobates hoolock (The Gibbon) is the only ape found in India (fores1s of Assam)
(4) Races of human - 4 types - Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid, Australoid.

Brief Review

# Tree shrews were first real primates.
# Old world monkeys are more closer to human as compared to new world monkeys.
# Chimpanzee is closest ape to human.
# Australopithecus firstly show bipedal locomotion.
# Homohabilis is also known as handy man or the tool maker man.
# Java man firstly used fire.
# W.C. Pai discovered the fossils of Peking man from c;:hina.
# Neanderthal man was first man who believed in 'immortality of soul'.
# Cromagnon man was a painter and regarded as the direct ancestor of modern man.
# Homosapiens sapiens is the man of today.
