Mathematics Sum of n term of Special Series

Sigma Notation

`sum` is a letter of greek alphabets and it is called 'sigma'. The symbol sigma
`(sum)` represents the sum of similar terms. Usually sum of n terms of any series is
represented by placing `sum` before the nth term of the series. But if we have to find
the sum of k terms of a series whose nth term is `u_n,` then this will be represented

`sum_(n=1)^k u_n`

For example, `sum_(n=1)^(n=9)n i.e., sum_1^9n` only means the sum of n similar terms when n
varies from 1 to 9.

Thus , `sum_1^9n = 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9`

Shortly `sum` is written in place of `sum_1^n`

`text(Properties of Sigma Notation)`

`1. sum_(r=1)^nT_r = T_1 + T_2 + T_3 + ..... + T_n ,` when `T_n` is the general term of the series .

`2.sum_(r=1)^n(T_r pm T_r') = sum_(r=1)^nT_r pm sum_(r=1)^nT)r'`

[sigma operator is distributive over addition and subtraction]
`3.sum_(r=1)^nT_rT_r' ne (sum_(r=1)^nT_r) (sum_(r=1)^nT_r')`
[sigma operator is not distributive over multiplication]

`4.sum_(r=1)^n(T_r/(T_r')) ne (sum_(r=1)^nT_r)/(sum_(r=1)^nT_r')`
[sigma operator is not distributive over division]

`5. sum_(r=1)^n a T_r = asum_(r=1)^nT_r` [where a is constant]

`6. sum_(j=1)^n sum_(i=1)^n T_i T_j = (sum_(i=1)^n) (sum_(j=1)^n)` [where i and j are independent

`(i) sum_(i=1)^na = a+a+a+.......+` upto m times = am

`(ii) suma = a+a+a+........` upto n times = an
i.e., `sum5 = 5n , sum3 = 3n`

`(iii) sum_(i=1)^5(i^2-3i) = sum_(i=1)^5i^2 - 3 sum_(i=1)^5i`
`=(1^2+2^2+3^2+4^2+5^2) -3(1+2+3+4+5) = 55 - 45 = 10`

`(iv)sum_(r=1)^3((r+1)/(2r+1)) = ((1+1)/(2 *1 + 4)) + ((2+1)/(2 *2 + 4)) + ((3+1)/(2 *3 + 4)) `
`= 2/6 + 3/8 +4/10 = (40 +45 + 48)/120 = 123/120 = 1 13/120`

Sum of n term of Special Series


`text(Type-1 :)` Sequences dealing with `sumn , sum n^2, sumn^3`

`sum n= (n(n+1))/2`

`sum n^2=(n(n+1)(2n+1))/6`

`sum n^3=[ (n(n+1))/2]^2=(sumn)^2`

`sum n^4 = (n(n+1)(2n+1)(3n^2+3n-1))/30`

`text(Type-2 : Using method of difference :)`

If `T_ 1 , T_2, T_3, ....... `are the terms of a sequence then the terms

`T_2 - T_1, T_3 - T_2, T_4 - T_3 .......`

some times are in `A.P.` and some times in `G.P. ` For such series we first compute their `n^(th)` term and then
compute the sum to `n` terms, using sigma notation.

`text(Type-3 : Splitting the nth term as a difference of two:)`

Here is a series in which each term is composed of the reciprocal of the product of `r` factors in `A.P.`, the
first factor of the several terms being in the same `A.P.`

`text(Type-4 : )`

Here is a series in which each terms is composed of `r` factor in `A.P.`, the first factor of the several terms
being in the same `A.P.`
