Disorders of bones

A. Arthritis -
It is caused by the inflammation of the joints. This is of several types, eg. rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and gouty arthritis.
1. The rheumatoid arthritis : It is diagnosed by the presence of rheumatoid factor (a type of immunoglobulin IgM). It is the primary symptom of inflammation of synovial membrane. If it is left untreated, then the membrane thickens and synovial fluid increases, exerting pressure that causes pain. The rnembrane then starts secreting abnormal granules, called pannus, which after accumulating on the surface of the cartilage cause its erosion. As a result, the fibrous tissues are attached with the bones and become ossified makingthe joints immovable. Its treatment concentrates on reduction of pain and inflammation by heat treatment. and physiotherapy and, in extreme cases, replacement of the damaged joints.

2. Osteoarthritis : Is a degenerative joint disease characterised by the degeneration of the articular cartilage and proliferation of new bones. Usually affected joints are of spine, knees and hands.

3. Gouty arthritis or gout : It is caused either due to excessive formation of uric acid, or inability to excrete it. It gets deposited in joints as monosodium salt.

B. Osteoporosis : It is age-related disorder characterised by decreased bone mass and increased changes of
fractures. Decreased level of estrogen is a common cause.
