Physics law of motion

Equilibrium of Concurrent Force System

Equilibrium of a body is a state in which all the forces acting on the body are balanced (cancelled out), and the net force acting on the body is zero. The state of equilibrium is a very important concept to learn in physics. If the net resultant force acting on a body is zero, it means that the net acceleration of the body is also zero (from second law of motion).

`text(Types of equilibrium of concurrent forces:)`

1) Static equilibrium: This is the type of equilibrium in which the resultant of all the forces acting on the body is zero, i.e. the net acceleration of the body is zero, and the velocity of body is also zero. It means that the body is at rest. So if a body is at rest and the net acceleration of it is zero, it means the body is in static equilibrium.
A block attached to a spring and doing simple harmonic motion (S.H.M.) is a common example of dynamic equilibrium. At the mean position, the net force acting on the block is zero but the velocity of block is maximum, which means that the block is in dynamic equilibrium at that point.

Conditions of Static Equilibrium of Concurrent Forces The sum of all forces in the x-direction or horizontal is zero.

`sumF_H = 0`

Dynamic equilibrium: This is the type of equilibrium in which the resultant of all the forces acting on the body is zero, i.e. the net acceleration of the body is zero, but the velocity of body is not zero. It means that the body is moving with a constant velocity. So if the net force acting on the body is zero, and it is still moving with some constant velocity, the body is said to be in dynamic equilibrium.

The sum of all forces in the y-direction or vertical is zero.

`sumF_V = 0`

Important Points for Equilibrium Forces

1. Two forces are in equilibrium if they are equal and oppositely directed.
2. Three coplanar forces in equilibrium are concurrent.
3.Three or more concurrent forces in equilibrium form a close polygon when connected in head-to-tail manner.
