Circular Permutation - When Object Are Different :

Permutation of objects in a row is called as linear permutation. If we arrange the objects along a closed curve it is called as circular permutation.

Thus in, circular permutation, we consider one object fixed and the remaining objects are arranged as in the case of a linear arrangements.

`text(Theorem-1 :)`The number of circular permutation of n distinct objects is `(n -1) !`

Proof :-
Consider `5` objects `A, B, C, D, E` to be arranged around a closed curve is called circular permutation.

Let the total number of circular permutation be `x`. Above circular permutation is equivalent to `5` linear permutations given by `ABCDEF, EABCD, DEABC, CDEAB, BCDEA`

that is one circular permutation is equivalent to `5x` linear permutation given by

`x . 5=5!`

`x=(5!)/5=(5 . (5-1)!)/5=(5-1)!`

Similarly forn objects `nx = n !`


(i) `n` distinct things taken all at a time and arranged along circle in `(n - 1) !` ways

(il) Taken `r` things out of `n` distinct things at a time and arranged along circle in `text()^nC_r (r - 1)!` ways.

`text(Theorem-2 :)`

If anticlockwise and clockwise are considered to be same total number of circular permutation given by


If we arrange flowers or garland beads in a neckless then there is no distinction between clockwise anticlockwise direction.

(i) If we haven diffrent things taken rat a time in form of a garland or neckless

Required number of arrrangements `=(text()^nC_r . (r-1)!)/2`

(il) The distinction between clockwise and anticlockwise is ignored when a number of people have to be seated around a table so as not to have the same neighours.

Restricted Circular Permutations

`text(Case I :)` If clockwise and anti-clockwise orders are taken as different, then the number of circular permutations of n different things taken r at a time.

`text()^nP_r = 1/r . (n ! )/ ((n-r)!)`

`text(Case II)` If clockwise and anti-clockwise orders are taken as not different, then the number of circular permutations of n different things taken r at a time

`= (text( )^nP_r)/(2r) = 1/(2r) . n!/(n-r)!`

`text(Note)` For checking correctness of formula put r = n, then we get `(n-1)!/2`
