Resonance :

Carbon dioxide may be represented by Lewis dot formula as

` : overset( * *)O : : C : : overset( * *)O`

or `O = C = O ..............(1)`

The bond length of `C = O` is `1.22` `A^o`, but the actual measured value is `1.15` `A^o`. Further `CO_2` is quite stable and does not show the characteristic reactions of the carbonyl group, as shown by aldehydes and ketones. Without shifting, the relative positions of atoms of `CO_2` can be represented by two more Lewis formulae:

`O underset(->)= C -> O.....................(2) `

`O leftarrow C underset(leftarrow)= O................(3)`

In (2) and (3), the two bonds between `C` and `O` are different, one being a triple bond and the other a single bond. Both the `C-O` bonds in `CO_2` are identical. It is now obvious that none of these structures actually represents `CO_2`. To explain this difficulty the
concept of resonance was introduced, according to which `CO_2` cannot be accurately depicted by any Lewis formula. The actual structure of `CO_2` is a resonance hybrid of the three structures :

`O = C = O leftrightarrow O underset(->)= C -> O`

`leftrightarrow O leftarrow C underset(leftarrow)= O`

These different structures are called the canonical or contributing structures. The actual structure of `CO_2` is different from the canonical structures and although it is closely related to them, the actual structure cannot be represented on paper using the accepted symbols. All the molecules of `CO_2` have the same structure. Usually, a double-headed arrow `leftrightarrow` is used between the canonical structures.

Imagine that you are trying to describe to a friend what a rhinoceros looks like. You might tell your friend that a rhinoceros looks like a cross between a unicorn and a dragon. See fig.

The unicorn and the dragon don't really exist, so they are like the resonance contributors. They are not in equilibrium. A rhinoceros does not jump back and forth between the two resonance contributors, looking like a unicorn one minute and a dragon the next. The rhinoceros is real, so it is like the resonance hybrid.

Conditions for Resonance :

Resonance can occur when the canonical structures

(i) have the constituent atoms in the same relative positions;

(ii) have nearly the same energy;

(iii) have the same number of unpaired electrons (to allow for continuous change from one type of bond to another);

(iv) differ in the distribution of electrons around the constituent atoms;

(v) (molecules or ions) are planar.

Resonance Energy :

The resonance hybrid is a more stable structure than any of the contributing structures. This means that resonance hybrid has less energy than any of the contributing structures. (The difference in energy between the actual observed energy of the resonance hybrid and the most stable of the contributing structures is called resonance energy).


(i) `text(Sulphur dioxide)` `SO_2` :

(ii) Nitrous oxide (dinitrogen oxide), `N_2O`

(iii) Nitric oxide, `NO`

(iv) `text(Carbonate ion)`, `CO_3^(2-)` `text((planar, triangular))`

(v) `text(Benzene)`, `C_6H_6`. It is a resonance hybrid of the following structures (hexagonal, planar).

See fig.

Kekule Structures Dewar Structures : `C-C` bond length is `1.54` `A^o`; `C=C` bond length is `1.34` `A^o`. In benzene, all the `C-C` bonds are identical in length, `1.39` `A^o`. i.e., intermediate between those of single and double bonds. Note that shortening of bond length and therefore increased stability is an indication of the existence of resonance [Decrease in dipole moment also indicates resonance]. Resonance energy of benzene is `152` `kJ`/`mol`.
