Radius Ratio Rules :

The arrangement of ions in a crystal is determined by the relative sizes of cations and anions as packing of spheres of different sizes is involved. The ratio of the radii of cation to that of anion is called as radius ratio and it generally determines the crystal structure for an ionic compound.

Co-ordination Number 3 :

The adjacent fig. shows the smaller positive ion of radius `r^(+)` is in contact with three larger negative ions of radii `r^(-)`. It can be seen that `AB = BC = AC = 2r^(-)`, `BD = r^(-) + r^(+)`. Further, the angle ABC is `60�`, and the angle DBE is `30�`.

By trigonometry `Cos 30�` `= (BE // BD).`

`BD =` (`BE //cos 30�`), `r^(+) + r^(-) = r^(-) //cos 30� =` `(r^(-) // 0.866`) `= r^(-) xx 1. 155`, `r^(+) = (1 .155 r^(-)) -r^(-)`

`= 0.155 r^(-).`

Hence `(r^(+) //(r^(-)) = 0. 155.`

Co-ordination Number 4 (Tetrahedron) :

Angle ABC is the tetrahedral angle of `109� 28'` and hence the angle ABD is half of this, that is `54�64'`. In the triangle ABD, `sin ABD

`= 0.8164 =AD // AB = (r^(-))/(r^(-) +r^(+))`

Taking reciprocals, `(r^(+) +r^(-))/r^(-) = 1/(0.8164) = 1.225`, rearranging, we get,

` r^(+)/r^(-) =0.225`

Co-ordination Number 6 (Octahedron) or 4 (Square Planar) :

A cross section through an octahedral site is shown in the adjacent figure and the smaller positive ion (of radius `r^(+)` touches six larger negative ions (of radius `r^(-)`). (Note that only four negative ions are shown in this section and one is above and one below the plane of the paper).

It is obvious that `AB = r^(+) + r^(-)` and `BD = r^(-)` . The angle ABC is 45� in the triangle ABD. cos ABD = 0.7071 = `(BD // AB)`

`= r^(-)/(r^(+) +r^(-))`

Rearranging, we get,

` r^(-)/r^(+) = 0.414`

Limiting Radius Ratio `r^(+)/r^(-) = x` :

`text(Co-ordination number shape Example)`

`x < 0.155`, `2` Linear `BeF_2`

`0.155 < x < 0.225`, `3` Planar Triangle `AlCl_3`

`0.225 < x < 0.414`, `4` Tetrahedron `ZnS`

`0.414 < x < 0.732`, `4` Square planar `PtCl_4^(2-)`

`0.414 < x < 0.732`, `6` Octahedron `NaCl`

`0.732 < x < 0.999`, `8` Body centered cubic `CsCl`
