Nitrene :

It is a species having neutral Nitrogen atom with one bond pair and four unshared electrons. Its structure, formation and behaviour is similar to that of carbene.

a) `text(Structure :)` The `text(nitrenes)^12` `R-N` represent the nitrogen analogs of carbenes and may be generated in the singlet (`R-underset(..) overset(..)(N)`) or triplet state (`R -underset(.)overset(. .)N *`). A nitrene can be generated via eilimination or by the thermal decomposition of azides `(R - N=N^(+)=N^(-) -> RN + N_2).` See fig.1.

b) `text(Reactions :)` In their chemical behaviour, nitrenes are similar to carbenes. Nitrenes, (in particular acyl nitrenes) get inserted into some bonds e.g. a `C-H` bond to give an amide. Aziridines are formed when nitrenes add to `C = C` bonds.

Formation :

By heating alkyl azides or by dehydrohalogenation from `N`-halo derivative by treating with a base : See fig.2.
