Substitution vs. Elimination Reaction :

We know that an alkyl ha lide can undergo four types of reactions : `S_N1, S_N2, E_1` and `E_2`.

A given alkyl halide under the given conditions will follow which pathway, can be predicted in following manner.

The first thing you must look at is the alkyl halide, is it `1^o, 2^o` or `3^o`. lf the reactant were a primary alkyl halide, it would undergo `(E_2)//(S_N2)` reactions (as their carbocations are not stable).

If the reactant is a secondary or a tertiary alkyl halide, then it can undergo `E_1//(S_N1 )` or `E_2//(S_N2)` reactions depending upon reaction conditions. `E_2//S_N2` reactions are favoured by a high concentration of a good nucleophile/Strong base, whereas a poor nucleophile{Weak base favours `E_1//(S_N1)` reactions.

Once you have decided whether the conditions will favour `E_2//(S_N2)` reactions or `E_1//(S_N1)` reactions, then you should decide how much of the product will be substitution and how much will be the elimination product. The relative amount of substitution and elimination product can be decided again on the basis of structure of alkyl halide (i.e. `1°`, `2°` or `3°`) and on the nature of the nucleophile/base. Relative reactivities of alkyl halides in various reactions are :

In an `S_N2` reaction : `1^o > 2^o > 3^o`

In an `E_2` reaction : `3^o > 2^o > 1^o`

ln an `S_N1` reaction : `3^o > 2^o > 1^o`

ln an `E_1` reaction : `3^o > 2^o > 1^o`

For instance, propyl bromide when treated with methoxide ion in methanol can undergo either substitution reaction to give methyl propyl ether or elimination reaction to give propene.

The major product of the reaction would be substitution product.

`CH_3CH_2CH_2 - Br + CH_3O overset(CH_3OH)-> CH_3CH_2CH_2OCH_3 + underset(90%)(CH_3CH=CH_2) + underset(10%)(CH_3OH) + Br^(-)`

But when the primary alkyl halide or the nucleophile base is sterically hindered, the nucleophile will have difficulty getting to the back of `alpha`-carbon and thus, elimination product will predominate. For example, See fig.1.

A secondary alkyl halide can form both substitution and elimination products, whose relative amotmt depend on the base strength of the nucleophile. The stronger and bulkier the base, greater will be the percent of the elimination product. See fig.2.

Increasing the temperature at which the reaction is carried out increases the rates of both the substitution and elimination reactions but increase in the rate of elimination reaction is more than that of substitution reaction. Thus, if the substitution product is desired, the reaction should be carried out at low temperature and high temperature promotes elimination product.

A tertiary alkyl halide is least reactive towards `S_N2` reaction but most reactive towards `E_2` reaction. Thus, only elimination product is formed.

When the nucleophile is poor or base is weak, `E_1//(S_N1)` reactions will be preferred. Both `E_1//(S_N1)` reactions will take place through the formation of carbocation, formed by the heterolytic dissociation of alkyl halide. Alkyl halides have the same order of reactivity in `E_1` and `S_N1` reaction because they have the same rate - determining step. Thus, all alkyl halides that react by `E_1//(S_N1)` reactions would give both elimination and substitution products. Substitution is favoured over elimination at lower temperatures and with the increase of temperature, the percentage of elimination product increases. Primary alkyl halides do not undergo `E_1//S_N1` reactions because primary carbocations are not too stable.

Nucleophilic Substitution in Allyl & Vinyl Halides

Let us compare the `S_N1` and `S_N2` rates of allyl chloride and n-Pr chlor ide. Both allyl chloride `(CH_2=CHCH_2CI)` and n-Pr chloride are `1^o RX.` Towards `S_N2` rate, allyl chloride is more reactive than n-Pr chloride because the transition state of allyl chloride is stabilized by the overlap of p-atomic orbital of the transition state with `pi`-bond while such stabilization is not possible in n propyl chloride. See fig.1.

Towards `S_N1` rate also, allyl chloride is more reactive than n-Pr chloride because the allyl carbocation is resonance stabilized while n-propyl carbocation is stabilized by induction. See fig.2.

The rate of `S_N1` reaction for allyl chloride is faster than the `S_N2` rate while for n-propyl chloride, `S_N2` rate is faster than `S_N1` rate.

Now let us see the `S_N1` and `S_N2` reaction possibility in vinyl halides.

In general, vinyl halides are less reactive than alkyl halides because `C-X` bond in vinyl halides is shorter and stronger than alkyl halides (this is because of resonance in vinyl halides). See fig.3.

Thus, they are inert towards displacement reactions.

When they show `S_N 1` reaction, they would ionize to give vinyl cations, which are very unstable because the carbon bearing positive charge is `sp` hybridized. More the `s`-character in carbocation, the less stable it would be.

During `S_N2` attack, backside attack of nucleophile is difficult because it would approach in the plane of the molecule where it would be repelled by the `pi`-electron density and if there is mono or dialkylation at `C^2`, it would cause steric hindrance also. Thus, vinyl halides have little or no tendency to undergo `S_N1` and `S_N2` reactions.

Nucleophilic Substitution In Neopentyl Halides :

Although neopentyl halide is a `1^o` halide, it does not undergo nucleophilic substitution by `S_N2` mechanism because it is highly sterically crowded to be able to form a transition state. So, neopentyl halide has a greater tendency to undergo nucleophilic substinttion by `S_N1` mechanism. Although the initially formed carbocation is a primary carbocation, it rearranges to give a more stable carbocation, which is then attacked by nucleophile to give corresponding product. For example, See fig.
