
# Hypertension : Persistent high blood pressure with systolic more than 140 mm Hg and diastolic more than 90 mm Hg. It is caused by decrease in extensibility of the artery due to atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis. Sclerosis means hardening and narrowing of blood vessels which may be due to the deposition of cholesterol or calcium or lipid or any other compound in the wall of the arteries and arterioles.
In atherosclerosis deposition is mainly in tunica interna of the blood vessels which prevents their dilation. The atherosclerosis is, infact, the beginning of thickening and hardening of blood vessels but later, the deposition of cholesterol and other compounds takes places in both tunica media and tunica interna leading to arteriosclerosis.

- Hypertension caused by hormones (epinephrine, aldosterone, renin) is called secondary hypertension, other forms of hypertension are known as primary or essential hypertension.
- A blood pressure of 220/120 mm Hg may cause internal haemorrhage due to rupturing of some blood vessels. Cerebral haemorrhage due to rupturing of some blood vessels cerebral haemorrhage or complete cessation or great decrease in blood supply to some part of brain causes stroke or CVA (Cerebrovascular accident). Hypertension is commonly called as silent killer.
- High density lipoproteins (HDL) are responsible for excretion of cholesterol and thus, reduce the risk of coronary heart diseases. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) cause deposition of cholesterol in the wall of the arteries and thus, increase the risk of coronary heart diseases. The blood pressure was first measured by Stephen Halls in horse. Highest blood pressure is recorded in giraffe.

# Hypotension : Low blood pressure with systolic below 110 mm Hg and diastolic below 70 mm Hg. It is caused by low metabolic rate, starvation, anaemia, chronic vasodilation of arterioles, lower pumping activity of heart, loss of blood in haemorrhage, valvular defects, nervous disorders and Addison’s disease. It may cause fainting.
