Syllabus Intercontinental Olympiad - Class 8

Intercontinental Olympiad's for class 8

Olympiad is categorized into various subjects testing the students in different fields.

1. Intercontinental Mathematics Olympiad

2. Intercontinental Science Olympiad

3. Intercontinental English Olympiad

4. Intercontinental Computer Olympiad

Total Questions : 50

Time : 1 hr.

Intercontinental Mathematics Olympiad Syllabus for class 8

Intercontinental Mathematics Olympiad: Syllabus for this exam is as follows:

Section – 1 :
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Section – 2 :
- Rational Numbers
- Squares and Square Roots
- Cubes and Cube Roots
- Exponents and Powers
- Comparing Quantities
- Algebraic Expressions and Identities
- Linear Equations in One Variable
- Understanding Quadrilaterals
- Constructions, Mensuration
- Visualizing Solid Shapes
- Data Handling
- Direct and Inverse Variations
- Factorization
- Introduction to Graphs
- Playing with Numbers.

Section – 3:
- The Syllabus of this section will be based on the syllabus of Mathematical Reasoning.

Section – 4:
- Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section – 2.

Intercontinental Science Olympiad Syllabus for class 8

Intercontinental Science Olympiad: Syllabus for this exam is as follows:

Section – 1 :
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Section – 2 :
- Crop Production and Management
- Microorganisms
- Synthetic Fibres and Plastics
- Metals and Non-metals
- Coal and Petroleum
- Combustion and Flame
- Conservation of Plants and Animals
- Cell, Reproduction and Endocrine System
- Force and Pressure
- Friction
- Sound
- Chemical Effects of Electric Current
- Some Natural Phenomena
- Light, Stars and the Solar System
- Pollution of Air and Water.

Section – 3 :
- Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section – 2.

Intercontinental English Olympiad Syllabus for class 8

Intercontinental English Olympiad: Syllabus for this exam is as follows:

Section – 1 :
- Synonyms, Antonyms, Analogies and Spellings
- Collocations
- Phrasal Verbs
- Idioms or Proverbs
- Homonyms and Homophones
- One word
- Nouns, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Prepositional Phrases and Participle Phrases
- Conjunctions, Determiners, Jumbled Words and Punctuation's,
- Tenses, Voices and Narrations
- Question Tags, etc.
- Words related to leisure
- Household items/issues
- Social causes
- Outdoor locations and activities, etc.

Section – 2 :
- Search for and retrieve information from various text types like News reports, Blurb, Dictionaries, etc.,
- Understand information presented in instruction manual format, Message format and others.
- Acquire broad understanding of and look for specific information in longer texts like Editorials, Essays, etc.

Section – 3 :
- Ability to understand situation-based variations in functions like requesting, Giving information, Expressing surprise, Pronunciation etc.

Section – 4 :
- Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Sections 1, 2 and 3.

Intercontinental Computer Olympiad Syllabus for class 8

Intercontinental Computer Olympiad: Syllabus for this exam is as follows:

Section – 1 :Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.

Section – 2 :
- Fundamentals of Computers
- Internet & Viruses
- HTML-[Html, Head, Title, Body (Attributes: Background, Bgcolor, Text, Link, Alink, Vlink)
- Font (Attributes: Color, Size, Face), Center, BR, HR (Attributes: Size, Width, Align, Noshade, Color), Comment tag (< ! - - - ->) H1..H6, P, B, I, U, IMG, Html Elements: A, Ul and Ol (Attributes: Type, Start), Li], Flash CS6, MS-Access, Networking
- MS-Word (Exploring File tab, Language and Translate options
- Tracking features - Comments, Reviewing Pane, Tracking Changes
- Comparing, Combining and Protecting documents
- Working with References)
- MS-PowerPoint (Exploring File tab and Slide Show tab, Comparing, Combining and Protecting presentations)
- MS-Excel(Exploring File tab, Useful Formulas and Functions - IF,Even, Odd, LCM, GCD, Power, Product, Round, Sqrt, Sum, Min, Max, Average, Count, Upper, Lower And Replace, Cell referencing, Using Defined Names group )
- Memory & Storage Devices, Basics of Cyber Crimes, Cyber Laws, Operating Systems(Introduction, Features, Types-single user and multiuser), Latest Developments in the field of IT.

Section – 3 :Higher Order Thinking Questions - Syllabus as per Section – 2.

Questions are based on Windows 7 and MS-Office 2010.
