`star` Prophase
`star` Metaphase


● `color{brown}"Prophase"` which is the `color{brown}"first stage"` of mitosis `color{brown}"follows"` the S and `G_2` phases of interphase.

● In the S and `G-2` phases the `color{Violet}"new DNA molecules"` formed are `color{Violet}"not distinct but interwined"`.

● `color{brown}"Prophase"` is marked by the `color{brown}"initiation of condensation"` of chromosomal material.

● The chromosomal material becomes `color{Violet}"untangled"` during the process of `color{Violet}"chromatin condensation"`.

● The `color{Brown}"centriole"`, which had `color{Violet}"undergone duplication"` during S phase of interphase, now begins to move towards `color{Violet}"opposite poles"` of the cell.

● The `color{Violet}"completion of prophase"` can thus be marked by the following `color{Violet}"characteristic event"`s:

`star` `color{Violet}"Chromosomal material condenses"` to form `color{Brown}"compact mitotic chromosomes"`.

`star` `color{Violet}"Chromosomes"` are seen to be composed of `color{Brown}"two chromatids"` attached together at the `color{Violet}"centromere"`.

`star` Initiation of the `color{Violet}"assembly of mitotic spindle"`, the `color{Brown}"microtubules"`, the `color{Violet}"proteinaceous components"` of the cell cytoplasm help in the process.

`star` Cells at the end of prophase, when viewed under the microscope, do not show golgi complexes, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleolus and the nuclear envelope.


● The `color{Violet}"complete disintegration"` of the `color{Brown}"nuclear envelope"` marks the start of the `color{Violet}"second phase of mitosis"`, hence the `color{Violet}"chromosomes are spread"` through the cytoplasm of the cell.

● By this stage, `color{Violet}"condensation of chromosomes"` is completed and they can be observed clearly under the `color{Violet}"microscope"`.

● This then, is the stage at which `color{Violet}"morphology of chromosomes"` is most easily studied.

● At this stage, `color{Brown}"metaphase chromosome"` is made up of `color{Violet}"two sister chromatids"`, which are held together by the `color{Brown}"centromere"`.

● `color{Violet}"Small disc-shaped"` structures at the surface of the `color{Violet}"centromeres'` are called `color{Brown}"kinetochores"`.

● These structures serve as the `color{Violet}"sites of attachment"` of spindle fibres (formed by the `color{Violet}"spindle fibres"`) to the chromosomes that are moved into position at the `color{Violet}"centre of the cell"`.

● Hence, the metaphase is characterised by all the `color{Violet}"chromosomes"` coming to `color{Brown}"lie at the equator"` with one `color{Violet}"chromatid of each chromosome"` connected by its `color{Violet}"kinetochore"` to spindle fibres from one pole and its `color{Violet}"sister chromatid"` connected by its kinetochore to spindle fibres from the opposite pole.

● The`color{Violet}"plane of alignment"` of the chromosomes at `color{Violet}"metaphase"` is referred to as the `color{Brown}"metaphase plate"`.

● The `color{Violet}"key features of metaphase"` are:

`color{green}(★)` `color{Brown}"Spindle fibres"` attach to `color{Violet}"kinetochores"` of chromosomes.

`star` `color{Violet}"Chromosomes"` are moved to `color{Brown}"spindle equator"` and get aligned along `color{Violet}"metaphase plate"` through spindle fibres to both poles.
